A vanilla PHP 'online' store website. Created using OOP principles and SESSIONS. This site mimicks the functionality of a online store without the legitimate transaction taking place. User is able to view and 'purchase' games.
This site enables a user to view games, view game details as well as a functioning SESSION cart/login system. The user can also make a 'purchase' (no transaction).
As a user on this site, you are able to:
- Browse the website without having to register and/or login first.
- If the user wants to add to cart, the user will need to either register on the system or log in if they are already registered.
- Filter products by their platform.
- Latest additions as well as Featured games are displayed on the homepage.
- View pages with additional content such as About Us, a LookBook (gallery of product images) and a Contact page.
- Create orders.
- Add to Cart.
- Cart order total is calculated and displayed.
- Payment of cart.
- If not logged in, user is not allowed to add an item to cart.
What I want to add in the future:
- Tighter validation on register and login.
- Cart Enhancements:
- Reduce stock on each order confirmation.
- Display total amount of products in cart.
- Modify/come up with a different idea for the LookBook.
- Please find the export of the database in the folder path /data/sql_export/
- Import the database so that you may use it with your AMP software and PHP MyAdmin with this project
- Additionally, copy the folder to your htdocs folder and host it via your AMP software.
If you want to test the login feature, please use these credentials: [email protected] | 1234
Otherwise, register a new account - you will be directed to the homepage.
You now have access to add items to your cart - and then to make a 'purchase' when happy!