PASTA: an efficient proactive adaptation approach based on statistical model checking for self-adaptive systems
We provide skeleton code for implementation of PASTA approach to SAS developers in Java and Python. This skeleton code provides domain- and application- general PASTA code including its structure and adaptation process. SAS developers can save their time with this pre-implemented PASTA skeleton code.
- Download the source code.
- Follow the "todo" comments and implement domain-specific codes. Domain-general PASTA implementation codes (structure and adaptation process) are already given to you.
- Run your PASTA-based managing system to adapt your system. Refer the example "main" file.
You can find detail information about PASTA in our original paper.
- Yong-Jun Shin, Eunho Cho and Doo-Hwan Bae., PASTA: An Efficient Proactive Adaptation Approach Based on Statistical Model Checking for Self-Adaptive Systems, 24th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE), 2021