Goal of the project is to return the traditional desktop systemd free
- IceWM
- antiX-19
- Now based on GTK/Xfce applications
Major changes
- Use only IceWM
- Own IceWM theme LegacyIce-Dark
- Ovn script for shutdown, restart ... (Ctrl+Alt+Delete)
- Instead fucking shit Connman uses NetworkManager
- Instead Slim use LightDM
(Needed antiX-19 installed) antix download from here https://sourceforge.net/projects/antix-linux/files/Final/antiX-19/ Select antiX-19.4_x64-full.iso or antiX-19.4_386-full.iso
git clone https://github.com/KERNELULTRAS/LegacyIce.git
cd LegacyIce
bash antiX-20/main.sh
While the script is running, you will be asked to select Desktop manager. Select LightDM
After script ending reboot system with command:
sudo reboot
Send issue to https://github.com/KERNELULTRAS/LegacyIce-antiX/issues
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