Releases: KMU-quantum-classroom/qiskit-classroom-converter
0.6.0 (2025-01-01)
happy new year!
The Version has been updated to be compatible with Qiskit 1.3.1 and Python 3.13.
and drop support for Python 3.9 due to changes support for our dependency.
major dependencies
- Bump qiskit from 1.1.0 to 1.3.1
- Bump qiskit-aer from 0.14.2 to 0.15.1
Full Changelog: 0.5.1...0.6.0
0.5.1 (2024-06-03)
- Bump qiskit from 1.0.1 to 1.1.0
- Bump qiskit-aer from 0.13.3 to 0.14.2
- and other development dependencies
What's Changed
- Bump notebook from 7.1.1 to 7.1.3 by @dependabot in #82
- Bump qiskit-aer from 0.13.3 to by @dependabot in #81
- Bump coverage from 7.4.3 to 7.5.0 by @dependabot in #83
- Bump qiskit from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 by @dependabot in #77
- Bump qiskit from 1.0.2 to 1.1.0 by @dependabot in #89
- Bump pylint from 3.1.0 to 3.2.2 by @dependabot in #91
- Bump coverage from 7.5.0 to 7.5.3 by @dependabot in #93
- Bump qiskit-aer from to 0.14.2 by @dependabot in #94
Full Changelog: 0.5.0...0.5.1
0.5.0 (2024-03-06)
The Version has been updated to be compatible with Qiskit 1.0.0 and Python 3.12.
Qiskit Dependencies:
- Bump qiskit from 0.45.1 to 1.0.1
- changes in Qiskit 1.0.0
- read the release notes for more information
- Bump qiskit-aer from 0.13.1 to 0.13.3
Other Dependencies:
- Bump numpy from 1.26.2 to 1.26.4
- Bump notebook from 7.0.6 to 7.1.1
- Bump pdoc from 14.1.0 to 14.4.0
- Bump pylint from 3.0.2 to 3.1.0
- Bump coverage from 7.3.2 to 7.4.3
- Updated the QuantumCircuitToMatrixConverter class to be compatible with Qiskit 1.0.0.
- The Bit class in Qiskit 1.0.0 no longer has register and index attributes.
- The actual_convert_action method of the QuantumCircuitToMatrixConverter class has been updated to use QuantumCircuit.find_bit() instead of directly accessing the index attribute of a Bit object.
- optimized the code to be compatible with qiskit 1.0.0
- added unittest to be compatible with python 3.12
What's Changed
- compatible with Qiskit 1.0.0 by @minwook-shin in #75
- Bump numpy from 1.26.2 to 1.26.4 by @dependabot in #64
- Bump notebook from 7.0.6 to 7.0.7 by @dependabot in #61
- Bump pylint from 3.0.2 to 3.1.0 by @dependabot in #68
- Bump pdoc from 14.1.0 to 14.4.0 by @dependabot in #60
- Bump coverage from 7.3.2 to 7.4.3 by @dependabot in #67
- Bump qiskit-aer from 0.13.1 to 0.13.3 by @dependabot in #70
- Bump notebook from 7.0.6 to 7.1.1 by @dependabot in #69
Full Changelog: 0.4.3...0.5.0
docker container :
What's Changed
- Bump qiskit from 0.45.0 to 0.45.1 by @dependabot in #50
- Bump tox from 4.11.3 to 4.11.4 by @dependabot in #49
- Bump numpy from 1.26.1 to 1.26.2 by @dependabot in #45
- Bump qiskit-aer from 0.13.0 to 0.13.1 by @dependabot in #47
- Bump ipython from 8.17.2 to 8.18.1 by @dependabot in #48
Full Changelog: 0.4.2...0.4.3
0.4.2 (2023-11-13)
This is Qiskit patch release, updating the qiskit and qiskit-aer Package.
Qiskit Dependencies:
- Bump qiskit from 0.44.2 to 0.45.0
- all unparametrized gates in the Qiskit standard circuit library are now singletons.
- qiskit.extensions will be fully deprecated in a future release, moved to the circuit library.
- Bump qiskit-aer from 0.12.2 to 0.13.0
Other Dependencies:
- Bump ipython from 8.16.1 to 8.17.2
- Bump notebook from 7.0.4 to 7.0.6
- Bump numpy from 1.26.0 to 1.26.1
- Bump pylint from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2
What's Changed
- Bump pylint from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 by @dependabot in #39
- Bump notebook from 7.0.4 to 7.0.6 by @dependabot in #38
- Bump numpy from 1.26.0 to 1.26.1 by @dependabot in #37
- Bump ipython from 8.16.1 to 8.17.2 by @dependabot in #43
- Bump qiskit from 0.44.2 to 0.45.0 by @dependabot in #44
- Bump qiskit-aer from 0.12.2 to 0.13.0 by @dependabot in #41
Full Changelog: 0.4.1...0.4.2
0.4.1 (2023-10-12)
This is small patch release, updating only the Qiskit Package.
- Bump qiskit from 0.44.1 to 0.44.2
- Bump pylint from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1
What's Changed
- Bump pylint from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 by @dependabot in #35
- Bump qiskit from 0.44.1 to 0.44.2 by @dependabot in #34
Full Changelog: 0.4.0...0.4.1
0.4.0 (2023-10-04)
Features :
- Add feature to show the direction of gate (X, CX, CCX, etc...)
- Remove final measurements on circuit
- Add Identity gate to name list
- Change gate name to be uppercase
- Bump ipython from 8.15.0 to 8.16.1
- Bump numpy from 1.25.2 to 1.26.0
- Bump notebook from 7.0.3 to 7.0.4
- Bump pylint from 2.17.5 to 3.0.0
- Bump coverage from 7.3.1 to 7.3.2
What's Changed
Add feature to show the direction of gate && Add I gate by @minwook-shin in #28
Bump notebook from 7.0.3 to 7.0.4 by @dependabot in #26
Bump numpy from 1.25.2 to 1.26.0 by @dependabot in #25
Bump pylint from 2.17.5 to 2.17.6 by @dependabot in #27
Bump ipython from 8.15.0 to 8.16.0 by @dependabot in #30
Bump pylint from 2.17.6 to 2.17.7 by @dependabot in #29
Bump pylint from 2.17.7 to 3.0.0 by @dependabot in #31
Bump ipython from 8.16.0 to 8.16.1 by @dependabot in #32
Bump coverage from 7.3.1 to 7.3.2 by @dependabot in #33
Full Changelog: 0.3.0...0.4.0
0.3.0 (2023-09-13)
Features :
- Changed to return gate names per circuit layer when converting to matrix.
- case : If a lot of qubit and layer 0 has x gate and cx gate.
[(0, ['x', 'cx'])]
- Bump ipython from 8.14.0 to 8.15.0
- Bump notebook from 7.0.2 to 7.0.3
- Bump loguru from 0.7.0 to 0.7.2
- Bump build from 0.10.0 to 1.0.3
- Bump tox from 4.10.0 to 4.11.3
- Bump coverage from 7.3.0 to 7.3.1
- Bump pdoc from 14.0.0 to 14.1.0
What's Changed
- Bump tox from 4.10.0 to 4.11.1 by @dependabot in #16
- Bump ipython from 8.14.0 to 8.15.0 by @dependabot in #14
- Bump build from 0.10.0 to 1.0.0 by @dependabot in #15
- Bump notebook from 7.0.2 to 7.0.3 by @dependabot in #13
- Bump loguru from 0.7.0 to 0.7.1 by @dependabot in #17
- Bump build from 1.0.0 to 1.0.3 by @dependabot in #18
- Bump coverage from 7.3.0 to 7.3.1 by @dependabot in #19
- Bump tox from 4.11.1 to 4.11.2 by @dependabot in #20
- Bump tox from 4.11.2 to 4.11.3 by @dependabot in #22
- Bump pdoc from 14.0.0 to 14.1.0 by @dependabot in #21
- Bump loguru from 0.7.1 to 0.7.2 by @dependabot in #24
- Feature : change to return gate names per circuit layer by @minwook-shin in #23
Full Changelog: 0.2.0...0.3.0
0.2.0 (2023-08-26)
Features :
- Add the feature to return gate names used when converting from qc to matrix.
- order is always preserved.
- Add Jupyter notebook dev environment for ARM Mac user
- Bump coverage from 7.2.7 to 7.3.0
- Bump tox from 4.6.4 to 4.10.0
- Bump qiskit from 0.44.0 to 0.44.1
Remove :
- BRA_KET_TO_MATRIX was removed in 0.2.0.
What's Changed
- Feature/arm support by @minwook-shin in #7
- Bump tox from 4.8.0 to 4.9.0 by @dependabot in #9
- Return gate names used when converting qc to matrix by @minwook-shin in #11
- Bump tox from 4.9.0 to 4.10.0 by @dependabot in #10
- Bump qiskit from 0.44.0 to 0.44.1 by @dependabot in #8
Full Changelog: 0.1.1...0.2.0
0.1.1 (2023-08-10)
Documentation :
- Add acknowledgement english, korean text
Full Changelog: 0.1.0...0.1.1