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NixOS Config

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📝 About

A wannabe size fits it all NixOS Configuration using flakes. It is encouraged to try modify and break it all you like! Don't believe me? Look at the "License" :D

📖 Content

✨ Features


This Config was supposed to be Catppuccin only, until I got bored of it, which is why Stylix was added as an afterthought. It is very incomplete! Help is appreciated!

📚 Layout

  • ❄️ flake.nix Base of the configuration
  • 🖥️ desktop Desktop modules
  • ⚙️ hardware Hardware modules
  • 👻 hosts Per-host machine specific configurations
  • 📦 pkgs Custom built Packages
  • 🚀 programs Mandatory programs and optional to enable modules
  • 📡 services Nice to have services extracted into own modules with sensible defaults for easier setup
  • 🚧 system System critical modules
  • 🌐 topology Global topology settings

⚙️ Components

Component Choice(s)
Window Manager Hyprland
Bar Hyprpanel
App Launcher Rofi-wayland
Notification Daemon Hyprpanel
Terminal Emulator Kitty
Shell Bash + Nushell + Starship
Text Editor Neovim + Helix + Vscodium + Zed
Networking NetworkManager + network-manager-applet
System resource monitor Btop
File Manager Thunar + Broot + Yazi
Fonts FiraCode NF + JetBrainsMono NF
Color Scheme Catppuccin + Stylix
Cursors Catppuccin Cursors + Stylix
Icons Catppuccin Icons + Stylix
Lockscreen Hyprlock
Media Player mpv
Music Player Spicetify
Screenshotting grimblast
Screen Recording OBS
Clipboard wl-clipboard-rs + CopyQ
Color Picker Hyprpicker
Touch Screen Gestures Hyprgrass

🖼️ Gallery

Catppuccin (Mocha) HomeScreen FastfetchHyprpanelSidebar Hyprlock VscodeTerminal ObsObsidianBlender SpotifyCava DiscordImHex FirefoxHomepage FirefoxNewTab
Stylix (WIP)

Nothing to See yet :)

🧠 Neovim

This flake configures neovim via nvf and exports it to be used by anyone.

To run:

nix run github:KP64/nixos-config


nix run github:KP64/nixos-config#neovim

🐚 Shell aliases

For Bash:

alias cd = z
alias ls = lsd
alias la = lsd -A
alias ll = lsd -l
alias lt = lsd --tree
alias lla = lsd -lA
alias llt = lsd -l --tree

For Nushell:

alias cd = z
alias fd = fd --hidden
alias la = ls -a
alias ll = ls -l
alias lla = ls -l -a

and more at nushell.nix

⌨️ Keybinds

Look at the Hyprland.nix file

️🖥️ Hosts

Hostname Board CPU RAM GPU Role OS
kg B450 Steel Legend Ryzen 7 2700X 16GB DDR4 RTX 2070 Super 🖥️ ❄️
tp Lenovo Yoga 370 Intel Core i7-7600U 8GB DDR4 Intel HD Graphics 620 💻 ❄️
ws WSL WSL WSL WSL 🖥️ ❄️
rs Raspberry Pi 400 ARM-Cortex-A72-CPU 4GB LPDDR4 Broadcom bcm2711-vc5 🗄️ ❄️

🌐 Network Topology




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