Random and useful websites tools, tutorials about everything I find interesting or simply awesome.
This is the kind of "I just put this one here to check it later" list.
Feel free to add anything you want, just don't forget to add a section if there isn't.
First of all, watch this video, it helps, a lot : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aGhZQkoFbQ ๐
- React
- Official Documentation
- Scotch.io
- Awesome React - A collection of awesome things regarding React ecosystem
- Flux
- Fluxible
- Redux
- A cartoon guide to flux
- Starter Kit - Build your own React Starter Kit
- React Explanations
- NodeJS
- Meteor
- Website
- Official Documentation
- Athmosphere JS - Packages for Meteor
- Choo
- ES2015
- Javascript Style Guide - Airbnb Guide
- You might not need Jquery
- Electron
- Embedjs.io
- D3js
- Lodash
- ThreeJS
- Mocha
- BarbaJS - Smooth transitions
- FreeCodeCamp - Fullstack JS School
- Webpack Explanation - French explanation
- Awesome Javascript - List
- POO in Javascript
- Public APIS
- Google API Client Javascript
- 42 School API
- Apiize
- Parsehub
- Hateoas - French explanation
- Postman
- Flexbox Game
- Learn CSS
- Noun Project
- CSS Game
- Box Sizing - FTW
- Google Icons
- Flat UI Color Picker
- Yeti CSS
- Urban Gardening Icons - ๐ฟ
- Brick Font
- Flex Layout Attribute
- CSS Protips
- CSS Reference
- Flex box training with frogs
- Yeoman
- Algolia Places
- Markdown
- Putain de code
- Babel
- Todo MVC - Helps you to choose an MV Framework
- Web Starter Kit
- On my zsh
- Codepen.io
- Forest blue theme Iterm
- Web Tools
- Algolia Places
- CSS Jokes
- Stack
- Fuck Off As A Service
- Google Creative
- Bot Users
- Useless Web - Careful with this one, you might lose some hours of your life
- Spoil.io - Don't you dare
- Loliful