- Lit Books Tutorial
- Objective
- Libraries
- What this course will cover
- What you need to know before:
- Section 1 - Planning
- Section 2 - Setup Prerequisites
- Section 3 - Setup Dependencies/Structure
- Section 4 - Server Basic Express/Apollo Setup
- Section 5 - Server MongoDB Connect
- Section 6 - Server User Model
- Section 7 - Server Auth
- Section 8 - Server User Queries
- Section 9 - Server Book Model
- Section 10 - Server Author Model
- Section 11 - Server Review Model
- Section 12 - Server Book User Associations
- Section 13 - Server Author Resolvers
- Section 14 - Server Book Resolver
This tutorial will cover React 16, GraphQL (Apollo), JWT, Mongoose and Authentication.
We will focus on the MERN, (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) stack. It will take you through setting up a server that handles authenticaion and a frontend app that will interface with the server.
The server will use the following:
- Express
- Mongoose (MongoDB ORM)
- Apollo Server
- Babel (ES7)
The client will use the following:
- Create React App 2
- React Router
- Apollo Client
- Novice understanding of HTML/CSS/Javascript
Cover application requirements, sitemap, wireframe and planning the database schema/models based on a hypothetical client requesting an application to be built.
Cover setting up prerequisites for project. Installing Git, Node.js, creating project folder and server folder.
This sub-section will focus primarily on setting up MongoDB on your local machine.
Setting folders structure, getting package dependencies installed and installing eslint and stylelint.
Setting up express and apollo. Getting the server to boot and adding a few mock queries to test out the playground.
Setting up system environment variables.
We will connect to our mongoDB instance.
Setting up the user model as defined in the planning section. We will create the schema for mongoose.
Here we will wire up the basic signup and login in components for our Authentication and use JWT for Authorization.
Creating the query for all users and by users id.
Creating the Schema and Model for books.
Creating the Schema and Model for authors.
Creating the Schema and Model for reviews.
Coming back around to creating the associations for Book and User models
Add the mutation and query for the Author model
Add the mutation and query for the Book model