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A basic php framework/boilerplate. You can quickly build your applications on it.


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Warning This repo has been moved to the archive. For updated and modernized versions, please check the single repo at KalipsoCollective/KalipsoX.

KalipsoNext - A simple PHP framework/boilerplate


A basic php framework/boilerplate. You can quickly build your applications on it.


  • Apache >= 2.4.5 or Nginx >= 1.8
  • PHP >= 7.1
  • MySQL >= 5.6


This documentation has been created to give you a quick start.



Server Configurations (Apache .htaccess)

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On

    RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} .
    RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]

    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . index.php [L]

Server Configurations (Nginx nginx.conf)

location / {
	if (!-e $request_filename){
		rewrite ^(.+)$ /index.php/$1 break;


You can refer to the examples in index.php for adding new routes.

For example;

    $app = (new KN\Core\Factory);

    // Single route
    $app->route('GET', '/', 'AppController@index', ['Auth@verifyAccount']);

    // Multi route group
        ['GET,POST', '/sandbox', 'AppController@sandbox'],
        ['GET,POST', '/sandbox/:action', 'AppController@sandbox']

    // Root-bound route group
    $app->routeGroup(['GET,POST', '/auth', 'UserController@account', ['Auth@with']], function () {
        return [
            ['GET,POST', '/login', 'UserController@login', ['Auth@withOut', 'CSRF@validate']],
            ['GET,POST', '/register', 'UserController@register', ['Auth@withOut', 'CSRF@validate']],
            ['GET,POST', '/recovery', 'UserController@recovery', ['Auth@withOut', 'CSRF@validate']],
            ['GET,POST', '/logout', 'UserController@logout', ['Auth@with']],
            ['GET,POST', '/:action', 'UserController@account', ['Auth@with', 'CSRF@validate']],

    // You can use the following method when you want 
    // it to be accessible while in maintenance mode.

    // Run

! Route methods take the values of request method, request route, controller and middleware in order.

Skeleton (Understanding KalipsoNext.)

  • app/

    • Controllers/ (Route and routines...)

      • AdminController.php KalipsoNext basically presents the administration panel for you in advance. You can modify and reference all method uses.

      • AppController.php It is the main controller of the system. It includes pre-definition for sandbox and other parts. Other examples are provided for ease of use only, you can change or delete them as you wish.

      • UserController.php It comes integrated with KalipsoNext basic user module. It includes methods that will save time and can be referenced.

    • Core/ This directory contains the main core of the system. If possible, do not touch at all. Please contribute if you need to touch it and it's a bug.

      • Auth.php The core structure of KalipsoNext includes a session module. It is used in integration with other modules. It recommends building your project on it.

      • Controller.php The main controller, from which all controllers are derived, works in conjunction with the Factory class.

      • Exception.php KalipsoNext also comes with an exception handler.

      • Factory.php It is the core class that handles the processing of requests and their sequential distribution to middleware and controllers.

      • Log.php It is a class that logs all requests and responses in the database in case of success or failure, depending on the log setting.

      • Middleware.php You should develop your middleware classes by inheriting from this class.

      • Model.php You must develop all models by inheriting this class. It includes the PDOx class under the hood. Check the documentation

      • Notification.php It is the basic notification class that contains some features for email and in-system notifications.

    • Helpers/ You can place helper classes here.

      • Base.php Be careful not to delete the this class. It is used in many parts of the system. Many of the methods in it are of such a nature as to prevent you from rewriting.

      • KalipsoTable.php It is the server-side class of the KalipsoTable library used for data listing within the built-in administration panel. Check the repo

    • Middlewares/ By default there is CSRF token middleware and Auth middleware, you can add your other middleware classes here.

    • Model/ You can specify your model layer classes here. If you want features in the core structure, you should not delete the classes in its content.

    • Resources/ Your main project files are located in this directory.

      • config/ This folder contains your project settings files. You can use all available settings as in other frameworks. If you are sure that there is a use KN\Helpers\Base; definition in the relevant file, you can use it as Base::config('file_name.setting_key'). The configuration file associated with the administration panel setting menu is settings.php.

      • localization/ This directory contains language files. ex: [lang].php

      • template/ This directory contains html template files. ex: email.html

      • view/ This directory contains the frontend html files

        • _layouts/ This folder consists of php files that hold the string data containing the filenames to be used for the template. If the view parameter you return from the controller is ['login', 'user'], it uses the login file as the main content file based on the user template.

        • _parts/ You can add partial files given in the template into this file. Like footer.php, header.php or error.php...

      • db_schema.php It is the basic database template file used to prepare tables and import sample data while in sandbox mode.

      • endpoints.php It contains the route records used in the user role and authorization control stages.

      • notifications.php This is the hook section you will use when developing the file notification system. You can refer to the examples inside.

    • Storage/ It contains files where data such as cache, log and email content file are stored.

    • bootstrap.php It is the file where the error handler and some constants are prepared.

  • assets/ Contains interface resource files. CSS, JS, fonts etc.

    • css/

      • kalipso.libs.css Includes Tabler Icons library and Manrope font definitions.

      • It is the basic interface style file of KalipsoNext. Contains styles for alerts and for some persistent elements.

    • fonts/

      • manrope/ Manrope font family. Check the repo

      • tabler-icons/ Tabler Icons font family Check the repo.

    • js/

      • It is the basic DOM library for KalipsoNext. It has nice features such as manipulating the interface according to the json outputs sent by the server.
    • libs/

      • bootstrap/ Bootstrap frontend framework. Check the repo

      • kalipsotable/ KalipsoTable data table library. Check the repo

      • nprogress/ Nprogress page loader library. Check the repo

      • vpjax/ vPjax asynchronous page switch library. Check the repo


A basic php framework/boilerplate. You can quickly build your applications on it.




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