My comrade in developing iOS applications.
in Hindi means helper/assistant -- And that is what this project is going to be. This would be my go-to framework for all of my iOS related application development.
I felt like it is good to have all the stuff that you are using across the projects under the same hood. It helps with development easier.
Think Twice. Code Once.
I would like to sincerely thank these open-source projects.
- MaterialTextFieldSwiftUI - MIT License
I took whatever he could offer and have added my own flavour to it. I added a new textField type and a bunch of other customisations.
- SwiftLogger - MIT License
I modified the stuff that gets printed on the debugger with this one.
- AppLogger - MIT License
I like his implementation. Felt like adding more stuff in the log, so tinkered it a little bit.
Used this one as such. It was perfect and is still quite underrated as to how simple this is in terms of helping us navigate between SwiftUI views.
Using this one as is.