- Install Libcloud (Version 2.8.2 or higher)
- Install the driver, using the same Python interpreter that Libcloud was installed in:
pip install libcloud-driver-kamatera
To allow API access to your Kamatera account, you first need to add an API key by visiting Kamatera Console and adding a new key under API Keys. Use the created key Client ID and Secret as the arguments to the driver constructor.
from libcloud_driver_kamatera import get_node_driver
cls = get_node_driver()
Select a location
locations = {location.id: location for location in driver.list_locations()}
for location in locations.values():
# <NodeLocation: id=AS, name=Hong Kong, country=China
# <NodeLocation: id=CA-TR, name=Toronto, country=Canada
# <NodeLocation: id=EU, name=Amsterdam, country=The Netherlands
# <NodeLocation: id=EU-FR, name=Frankfurt, country=Germany
# <NodeLocation: id=EU-LO, name=London, country=United Kingdom
# <NodeLocation: id=IL, name=Rosh Haayin, country=Israel
# <NodeLocation: id=IL-JR, name=Jerusalem, country=Israel
# <NodeLocation: id=IL-PT, name=Petach Tikva, country=Israel
# <NodeLocation: id=IL-RH, name=Rosh Haayin 2, country=Israel
# <NodeLocation: id=IL-TA, name=Tel Aviv, country=Israel
# <NodeLocation: id=US-NY2, name=New York, country=United States
# <NodeLocation: id=US-SC, name=Santa Clara, country=United States
# <NodeLocation: id=US-TX, name=Texas, country=United States
location = locations['US-NY2']
Create a node size object
# get the capabilities for this location
capabilities = driver.ex_list_capabilities(location)
# choose a cpu type
cpuTypes = {cpuType['id']: cpuType for cpuType in capabilities['cpuTypes']}
for cpuType in cpuTypes.values():
print('%s: %s' % (cpuType['name'], cpuType['description']))
# Type B - General Purpose: Server CPUs are assigned to a dedicated physical
# CPU Thread with reserved resources guaranteed.
# Type D - Dedicated: Server CPU are assigned to a dedicated physical CPU Core
# (2 threads) with reserved resources guaranteed.
# Type T - Burstable: Server CPUs are assigned to a dedicated physical CPU
# thread with reserved resources guaranteed.
# Type A - Availability: Server CPUs are assigned to a non-dedicated physical
# CPU thread with no resources guaranteed.
cpuType = cpuTypes['B']
# choose number of cpu cores
# [1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72]
cpuCores = 2
# choose amount of RAM
# [256, 512, 1024, 2048, 3072, 4096, 6144, 8192, 10240, 12288, 16384, 24576,
# 32768, 49152, 65536, 98304, 131072, 200704, 262144, 327680, 393216]
ramMB = 2048
# choose disk sizes
# [5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450,
# 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, 4000]
# primary disk size
diskSizeGB = 20
# additional disks (up to 3 additional disks)
extraDiskSizesGB = [100, 200]
# choose a billing cycle
billingCycle = driver.EX_BILLINGCYCLE_MONTHLY
# billingCycle = driver.EX_BILLINGCYCLE_HOURLY
# in case of monthly billing cycle, choose traffic package
# {'b50': '50Mbit/sec unmetered on 10Gbit/sec port',
# 't5000': '5000GB/month on 10Gbit/sec port'}
monthlyTrafficPackage = 't5000'
# create node size object
size = driver.ex_get_size(ramMB, diskSizeGB, cpuType['id'], cpuCores,
Choose an OS image
images = {image.id: image for image in driver.list_images(location)}
for image in images.values():
print('%s: %s' % (image.id, image.name))
# list is shortened, actual list will vary and provide more OS image options
# US-NY2:6000C2987c9641fd2619a149ba2ca01a: CentOS 8.0 64-bit - Minimal
# US-NY2:6000C29b85c6367d215d403f44c28f48: CentOS 8.0 64-bit - Basic Server
# US-NY2:6000C29bb8fde673f515caf9bed695a1: Debian version 8.9 (jessie) 64-bit
# US-NY2:6000C29e4131d66b806c25c48ab0b810: FreeBSD 12.1 64-bit
# US-NY2:6000C2983bdd8b531ecfc6d892a35aa4: FreeBSD 11.1 32-bit
# US-NY2:6000C29a5a7220dcf84716e7bba74215: Ubuntu Server version 18.04 LTS
# US-NY2:6000C298bbb2d3b6e9721f4f4f3c5bf0: Ubuntu Server version 16.04 LTS
image = images['US-NY2:6000C29a5a7220dcf84716e7bba74215']
Set network configurations (up to 4 interfaces can be added)
networks = []
Add a wan to get a public IP
networks.append({'name': 'wan', 'ip': 'auto'})
add a vlan interface to get a private IP (vlan network name and ip should be configured in the Kamatera console)
networks.append({'name': '12345-my-vlan', 'ip': 'auto'})
node = driver.create_node(
ex_dailybackup=False, # create daily backups for the node?
ex_managed=False, # provide managed support for the node?
Get the SSH connection details
print('root@%s / %s' % (node.public_ips[0],
List all nodes (quick operation, provides only basic details for each node)
nodes = driver.list_nodes()
Get more details for a specific node
node = driver.list_nodes(ex_id=nodes[0].id)[0]
List nodes with full details based on regex of node name
nodes = driver.list_nodes(ex_name_regex='test_libcloud.*')
# <Node: uuid=9566552b254b42063e87ba644a982d330602b06c,
# name=test_libcloud_server, state=RUNNING,
# public_ips=[''], private_ips=[], provider=Kamatera
# {'billingcycle': 'monthly', 'priceOn': '25', 'priceOff': '25',
# 'location': <NodeLocation: id=US-NY2>, 'dailybackup': False,
# 'managed': False}
list all nodes with full details (slower operation)
nodes = driver.list_nodes(ex_full_details=True)
node = nodes[0]
run operations