This is a repo for manipulating the Stanford HIV Json outputs to a Json format that can be interrogated by the LIMS to give a clinician only information that they need.
This has been specifically tailored for JCRC. In case of any challenges or in need of a different format or any other kind of formatting, contact the developers whose contacts are in the contact section
git clone
bash StanfordHIVJsonManipulation/
source $HOME/.bashrc
integrase <path of directory with integrase raw json files> <path of directory for formatted json to be output>
rtpr <path of directory with rtpr raw json files> <path of directory for formatted json to be output>
integrase $HOME/StanfordHIVJsonManipulation/test_dataset/IN_test.json $HOME/StanfordHIVJsonManipulation
rtpr $HOME/StanfordHIVJsonManipulation/test_dataset/Raw_RTPR.json $HOME/StanfordHIVJsonManipulation
The results will be found in StanfordHIVJsonManipulation
The program has been tested on;
- Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
The software developing team works round the clock to ensure the bugs within the program are captured and fixed. For support or any inquiry: You can submit your query using the Issue Tracker