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This website uses the latest technologies in decentralized finance (DeFi) to offer a unique experience to book lovers who don't like wasting money. Using the power of the Wagmi protocol and the Ethereum network, you can now pay for the books you read on our website based on the amount of time you spend reading them.
To use our website, you'll need to have an Ethereum wallet and some MATIC (Polygon TestNet) in it. If you don't have an Ethereum wallet, you can create one using Metamask or any other compatible wallet. Once you have an Ethereum wallet, You can go ahead and mint some TYM (Our ERC20 token for transactions) Then,you can browse our book list and select a book you want to read. You'll see the book's cover, title and author. If you want to read the book, click on the card and you'll be taken to the book's page.
On the book's page, you'll see the book's content, which is retrieved from the Google Books API. You can start reading the book by clicking the "Start" button. Once you start reading, the Wagmi protocol will start tracking the time you spend reading the book.
When you're done reading, you can click the "Stop" button, and the Wagmi protocol will calculate the amount of time you spent reading and the corresponding payment amount. The payment amount will be deducted from your Ethereum wallet.
We respect your privacy, and we don't collect any personal information from you. When you use our website, we only collect the necessary information to process your payment, such as your Ethereum wallet address.
We're always looking for ways to improve our website, so please don't hesitate to give us your feedback. You can reach us at [email protected] or [email protected]
Thank you for using our website, and happy reading!