An online Grocery Shoping system for Shoping Online over the web and generating various reports from it. Intended and designed considering the operation of TIU (Tishik International University) it can be used by other developers as well if it fits their needs (feel free to suggest changes). We always aim to make this more and more flexible so that it can be used by any developer or user. Developed by one students of Computer Engineering as part of their final year academic project (2019-2020) which falls under TIU.
Install XAMPP or WAMPP.
Open XAMPP Control panal and start [apache] and [mysql] .
Download project from github.
OR follow gitbash commands
i>cd C:\xampp\htdocs\
ii>git clone
extract files in C:\xampp\htdocs.
open link localhost/phpmyadmin
click on new at side navbar.
give a database name as (Grocery) hit on create button.
after creating database name click on import.
browse the file in directory [/database/grocery.sql].
open any browser and type http://localhost/online-grocery-shoping-master.
first register and then login
admin login details Email=[email protected] and Password=admin123.