If your spring project is undergoing refactoring or generating new middleware, but you have no effective means to confirm the correctness of the original query APIS of the system after accessing the middleware, At this time, you only need to use Copy Http RequestAndCompare,to confirm your updating. Copy Http Request And Compare has the following features:
- Copy GET/POST Request by Aspect
- Compare the Request Result
- Save Result and produce the charts
See:KelovpString CompareApi Doc
cd compare-core
mvn clean package
or add distributionManagement in pom and deploy:
mvn clean deploy
If your application is build in Maven, just add the following dependency in pom.xml
You can see all properties in:com.kelovp.compare.core.conf.CompareApiConf
And add application name properties:com.kelovp.application.name
@RequestMapping(value = "/query", method = RequestMethod.POST)
@CompareApi(name = "Class#query",excludeFields={"code","message"})
public String query(String queryId){}
You can see all properties in:com.kelovp.compare.dashboard.conf.CompareApiMangoProperties
cd compare-dashboard
mvn clean package
java -jar compare-dashboard.jar
Spring Boot 1.4.7(you can change to your version)
Alibaba FastJSON 1.2.56 1.2.83
Apache HttpClient
Use ThreadPoolTaskExecutor. All things depends on "futureTaskPool"'s properties.
The Pressure test: See:KelovpString CompareApi Doc
For bug report, questions and discussions please submit GitHub Issues
Contact me: [email protected]