Asteroids is a video game containing both a copy of the classic arcade game Asteroids and a variant version with modern graphics and powerups.
- The classic arcade game Asteroids
- Move and fire at asteroids
- The ship and asteroids wrap around the screen
- Extra life for every 10,000 points
- Every level (each time all asteroids are cleared from the screen) increases the number of spawned asteroids by 1
- A variant version of Asteroids
- Same as the classic version with the additions of temporary powerups
- Left and right arrow keys to change facing direction
- Up arrow key to thrust forward
- Space to shoot
- Escape to pause the game
- P to respawn manually
- The game will automatically respawn you in the center of the screen when there are no nearby asteroids within a set radius. However, in later levels so many asteroids fly around that this may take a very long time. You can force spawn with this key when you see a clear chance to spawn, but if you time it wrong you may die instantly.
This was created in Godot (v3.0.6), a game engine similar to Unity which uses a Python-lite backend programming language. The development of this game is completed. Please open an issue on this repository if you discover any bugs.
This game was created for a game development class I took in college along with 3 other group members. I did the majority of the programming. Here are the contributions of my group members.
- Justin Tok
- Created the custom graphics for the powerups, debuffs, and cleaned up the asteroid graphics.
- Andrew Wood
- Fixed various programming bugs and implemented some of the powerups.
- Kenneth-Matthew Velarde
- Designed the main menu.