Plugin that prevents players/mobs from destroying farmland by jumping on it.
Works with every version from 1.7 to 1.19 and all softwares supporting spigot plugins.
// If true, mobs won't be able to trample crops
disable-mob-trampling: true
// If true, player won't be able to trample crops
disable-player-trampling: true
// List of blocks that count as farmland (FARMLAND for 1.13+ and SOIL for <1.13)
This plugin has a simple API that can be used to manipulate crop trampeling for different players/mobs.
You can listen to the CropTrampleEvent
and implement your custom logic to add features like permissions or bypasses.
The plugin also uses the event to disable crop trample if the config settings are enabled.
public void onTrample(CropTrampleEvent event) {
if (event.getCause() == CropTrampleEvent.TrampleCause.PLAYER) {
Player player = (Player) event.getTrampler();
player.sendMessage("You're not able to destroy " + event.getBlock().getType() + "!");
can either be MOB or PLAYER, depending on what entity tries to destroy the farmland.