Hi👋, I'm Kevin Liu!
Check out my Portfolio: https://www.kevinliu.biz/
Hi👋, I'm Kevin Liu!
Check out my Portfolio: https://www.kevinliu.biz/
Online Monmouth Math Competition, or OMMC, is a 501c3 accredited nonprofit organization which aims to give talented high school and middle school students an exciting and engaging way to develop th…
2024 EDD Senior Project. SnellTech Solutions presents a low-cost digital vision exam to provide an approximate assessment for a user’s visual acuity and a headset to assist in the calibration and s…
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Fullstack Database for Online Monmouth Math Competition questions. Individual math questions are stored in a MongoDB database and received by a seperate server.
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Best Hardware Hack @ PennApps XXIII, 1st Overall @ EcoHacks, https://devpost.com/software/recycleai-v1dqz5 A computer vision-based, mechanical waste bin that automatically separates trash and recyc…
Forked from ap-1/compass-usa
1st Place Overall @ PantherHacks2023, https://devpost.com/software/compass-usa CompassUSA helps immigrants navigate the complex process of entering the United States.
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