This mod aims to make AllTheOres compatible with the machines of all tech mods by adding all missing recipes for all available ores and making sure that as far as possible the ores/ingots/dusts/... from AllTheOres are used!
No more 5 different tin ingots or missing recipes!
- All the Ores [required]
- Blast Furnace, Furnace, Smithing Tables, dust conversion recipes, clump conversion recipes
- Assembly Line Machines
- Grinder, Alloy Smelter, Fluid Bath, Fluid Mixer, Metal Shaper, Pneunmatic Press
- Create
- Crushing Wheel, Mixer, Press, Crafter, Bulk Blasting, Bulk Washing
- Voluminous Energy
- Crusher, Centrifugal Seperation, Implosion Compressor, Industrial Blast Furnace
- Industrial Reborn
- Crusher, Compressor, Alloy Smelter, Hammer, Scanner, Rolling Machine, Scrapbox, Ore Washing
- FTB Industrial Contraptions
- Macerator, Extruder, Centrifuge, Rolling Machine
- Energized Power
- Pulverizer, Alloy Furnace, Compressor, Metal Press, Filtration Plant, Crystal Growth Chamber, FLuid Transposer
- Modern Industrialization
- Assembler, Centrifuge, Mixer, Compressor, Cutting Machine, Forge Hammer, Macerator, Packer, Unpacker, Implosion Compressor
- OriTech
- Atomic Forge, Centrifuge, Foundry, Deep Drill, Fragment Forge, Pulverizer, Particle Accelerator
- Ad Astra
- Compressor, Alloy Smelter, Hammer
- Applied Energistics 2
- Transform
- Botania
- Orechid, Ignem Orechid, Mana Infusion
- Cyclic
- Crusher, Melter, Solidifier
- Plain Grinder
- Grinder
- Simple Grinder
- Grinder
- Replication
- Matter values
- Allthemodium
- support of the metals for all machines
- Immersive Engineering
- Bottling Machine, added by ATO: [Alloy Smelter, Arc Furnace, Crusher, Metal Press]
- Mekanism
- added by ATO: [Crusher, Chemical Crystallizer, Chemical Washer, Injection Chamber, Purification Chamber, Enrichment Chamber, Chemical Conversion]
- Ender IO
- added by ATO: [Alloy Smelter, Sag Mill]
- Actually Additions
- added by ATO: [Crusher]
When ATO is installed, all ores of the other mods that are already included in ATO, should be turned off in the configs.
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