Guess Who game created using node js, express, and
[Link]( game starts and you dont know who you are but the other players knows and you know who the other player is so you will have to ask questions in the chat like "Is my hair long?" and the other player should answer yes or no and based on the answer you should click on the cards that dont match and discard them or you can click at the guess button and try to guess who you are
You have three chances to guess who you are and win the game if you guess it wrong 3 times you lost and a new game starts
On the top right side of the page you will see how many guesses you still have
If you guessed right or if the other player disconnects you will see the green message if you guess the right character you will see in the message your player id
If you guessed wrong or if the other player guessed it wrong you will see the yellow message with the player id that guessed wrong
If your guessed wrong three times or if the other player did it wrong you will see the red message with the player id that lost the game
You have three chances to guess who you are and win the game if you guess it wrong 3 times you lost and a new game starts
[Game match]( ``` "docker-compose up" ``` [Link](