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This is a R language algorithm that predicts league of legends games made for my class Sport Analytics 270.

Let us start with the Librarys which I have used in the Code


Preparing the Data

players <- read.csv(file='LCSSummer.csv', sep=',', stringsAsFactors = F)


#remove rows for players who never played
players <- players %>% dplyr::filter(Game.Played>0)

#make index for summary/details datasets

#function to impute the Name/Role in missing rows
#knowing that the first row -> summary --> not empty

for(i in 1:nrow(players)){
    currentName <- players$Name[i]
    currentRole <- players$Role[i]
  else if (players$Name[i]==""){
    players$Name[i] <- currentName
    players$Role[i] <- currentRole

## players_details is the detail of each player on every unique game they have played
players_details <- players %>% dplyr::filter(my_index==2) %>% dplyr::select(-c(my_index))
players_details$Team1<-sapply(players_details$Team, function(x) strsplit(x," ")[[1]][1])
players_details$Team2<-sapply(players_details$Team, function(x) strsplit(x," ")[[1]][3])
players_details$Result<- sapply(players_details$Results, function(x) strsplit(x," ")[[1]][1])
players_details$Multi<-ifelse(players_details$triple.kills>0 | players_details$quadra.kills>0 | players_details$penta.kills>0,'yes','no')

## players_summary is the sum of all the games each player has played
players_summary <- players %>% dplyr::filter(my_index==1) %>% dplyr::select(-c(my_index))

players_summary$KDA <- (players_summary$Kill + players_summary$Assists) / players_summary$Death

Now we can start creating some graphs

for(i in 1:length(roles)){
  listPlot1[[i]]<-players_summary %>% 
    dplyr::filter(Role==roles[i]) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x= reorder(Name,KDA),y= KDA,fill=Team)) + 
    geom_bar(stat='identity',width=.5) + coord_flip() + 
    scale_fill_manual(values=colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, "Set1"))(length(unique(players_summary$Team)))) + 
    theme_fivethirtyeight() + ggtitle(paste0('KDA\n',roles[i])) + 
    theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size=8),
          legend.key.size = unit(.3, "cm"))
}, c(listPlot1, ncol=2))

Now another graph just for overall KDA

# KDA overall
ggplot(players_summary,aes( x = Death , y= reorder(Name,Kill +Assists))) +
  geom_point(aes(color=Team), size = 3, alpha = 0.75) +
  scale_color_manual(values=colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(8, "Set1"))(length(unique(players_summary$Team)))) + 
  theme_fivethirtyeight()  + 
  ggtitle('x = Death,y = Kill + Assist') +


Calculating using the Pythagorean formula

First we need to calculate the Win ratio

## Turning win and loss into numbers easier to count
players_details$Result[players_details$Result=="Win"]<- 1
players_details$Result[players_details$Result=="Loss"]<- 0
players_details$Result <- as.numeric(as.character(players_details$Result))
a <-aggregate(players_details$Result, by=list(name=players_details$Name), FUN=sum)
#for loose
players_details$Result[players_details$Result==1]<- 0
players_details$Result[players_details$Result==0]<- 1
players_details$Result <- as.numeric(as.character(players_details$Result))
b <-aggregate(players_details$Result, by=list(name=players_details$Name), FUN=sum)

#ordering the players summary to add the result of games
players_summary <-players_summary[order(players_summary$Name), ]
players_summary$SeriesWon <- a
players_summary$Series<- b

Getting the winning percentage

#calculating the WP of players
players_summary$WP<-players_summary$SeriesWon[2] / players_summary$Series[2]
players_summary$WP <- as.numeric(unlist(players_summary$WP))

mod <- lm(WP~KDA, data=players_summary)


####intercept: If run differential is 0, thus the team makes and allows equal number of points then you expect to win 50% of the games. ####slope: 1 unit increase in run differential increases the winning percentage by 0.1

exponent is needed in order to complete the formula

Link for exponent formula

exponent <- 1.50 + log((sum(players_summary$Kill) + sum(players_summary$Death))/sum(players_summary$Series[2])) + 0.45

exponent = 4.418451

calculating the pythagorean WP

players_summary$WP_P <- players_summary$Kill^exponent/(players_summary$Kill^exponent + players_summary$Death^exponent)

Calculating the errors

errors <- players_summary$WP - players_summary$WP_P
plot(errors, pch=16)

Percentage of our errors

We got 37% error percentage, yes this is not a low rate. In the future we need to make our formulas better and include more elements

Deleting 2D's from our DB

players_summary$SeriesWon <- NULL
players_summary$Series <- NULL

Now lets calculate the WP for all teams

team_summary <- ddply(players_summary, .(Team), summarize, kill = sum(Kill), death = sum(Death))
team_summary$WP <- team_summary$kill^exponent/(team_summary$kill^exponent + team_summary$death^exponent)

Team kill death WP
1 Cloud9 634 470 0.78959969
2 Counter Logic Gaming 612 463 0.77430317
3 Echo Fox 423 567 0.21508381
4 FlyQuest 496 706 0.17366289
5 Fnatic 415 205 0.95755582
6 G2 Esports 321 249 0.75440295
7 H2K 359 225 0.88739432
8 Immortals 657 523 0.73260112
9 Misfits 400 346 0.65493184
10 Mysterious Monkeys 241 436 0.06789660
11 Ninjas in Pyjamas 235 395 0.09157928
12 Phoenix1 565 632 0.37868164
13 ROCCAT 282 422 0.14417110
14 Splyce 362 301 0.69324927
15 Team Dignitas 569 590 0.46005184
16 Team Envy 462 487 0.44204936
17 Team Liquid 561 650 0.34284909
18 Team Vitality 225 282 0.26939079
19 TSM 581 480 0.69925819
20 Unicorns of Love 416 414 0.50532324

Calculating using the Bradley Terry Model

BTM <- players_details %>%
  group_by(Name, Team1, Team2) %>%
  summarise(kill = sum(Kill), death = sum(Death))

BTM <- ddply(players_details, .(Name, Team1, Team2), summarize, kill = sum(Kill), death = sum(Death))

Note that sometimes one of the BTM's do not work but both are supposed to return the same values.

head(BTM, n= 5)
Name Team1 Team2 Kill Death
1 Adrian DIG C9 2 7
2 Adrian DIG CLG 6 13
3 Adrian DIG FOX 2 7
4 Adrian DIG IMT 2 4
5 Adrian DIG P1 2 10
model<- BTm(cbind(Kill,Death),Team1,Team2,data=players_details, id="")

We will get from the Summary

BTm(outcome = cbind(Kill, Death), player1 = Team1, player2 = Team2, 
    id = "GAME_", data = players_details)

Deviance Residuals: 
    Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
-4.3738  -1.2777  -0.2204   0.9815   4.3768  

Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)
         Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
GAME_CLG -0.09771    0.05574  -1.753 0.079619 .  
GAME_DIG -0.33734    0.05701  -5.917 3.28e-09 ***
GAME_FLY -0.61498    0.05751 -10.694  < 2e-16 ***
GAME_FNC  0.78349    0.08597   9.114  < 2e-16 ***
GAME_FOX -0.56081    0.06038  -9.287  < 2e-16 ***
GAME_G2   0.43675    0.08444   5.172 2.31e-07 ***
GAME_H2K  0.63266    0.08316   7.608 2.79e-14 ***
GAME_IMT -0.07386    0.05563  -1.328 0.184226    
GAME_MM  -0.36835    0.08258  -4.461 8.17e-06 ***
GAME_MSF  0.31410    0.07767   4.044 5.26e-05 ***
GAME_NIP -0.28852    0.08368  -3.448 0.000565 ***
GAME_NV  -0.32442    0.05928  -5.472 4.44e-08 ***
GAME_P1  -0.43747    0.05808  -7.533 4.96e-14 ***
GAME_ROC -0.16373    0.08292  -1.975 0.048313 *  
GAME_SPY  0.34782    0.08206   4.238 2.25e-05 ***
GAME_TL  -0.43706    0.05984  -7.304 2.80e-13 ***
GAME_TSM -0.11203    0.05838  -1.919 0.054983 .  
GAME_UOL  0.17971    0.07945   2.262 0.023697 *  
GAME_VIT       NA         NA      NA       NA    
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 4437.5  on 1495  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 3733.7  on 1477  degrees of freedom
AIC: 7438.8

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4

Get the coefficients in order to start predicting

coef <- model$coefficients
sort(coef, decreasing = T) # sorts from the best to the worst team

# 20 teams overall

# and we 19 coefs
Team Ability s.e.
1 FNC 0.78 0.08
2 H2k 0.63 0.08
3 G2 0.43 0.08
4 SPY 0.34 0.08
5 MSF 0.31 0.07
6 UOL 0.17 0.07
7 C9 0.00 0.00
8 IMT -0.07 0.05
9 CLG -0.09 0.05
10 TSM -0.11 0.05
11 ROC -0.16 0.08

Lets first calculate Automatically

TeamSoloMid <- data.frame(Team1=rep("TSM", 2),
                          Team2=c("Cloud9", "H2K")) ## we are tying to get TSM versus two team Cloud 9 and H2k

team <- model$coefficients
TeamSoloMid$Team1<- factor(TeamSoloMid$Team1,levels=team_summary$Team) #setting the levels

TeamSoloMid$Team2<-factor(TeamSoloMid$Team2,levels=team_summary$Team) # setting the leves

TSM_P <- predict(model, newdata = TeamSoloMid, level = 2, type = "response",scale=NULL)

TSM_P # gives us that the probability of tsm winning against Cloud 9 is 47% and vs H2K is 32% (But we all know NA > EU )  :sweat_smile: 

# now we try to get the win percentage for both teams
TSM_df <- data.frame(TeamSoloMid, Team1= TSM_P, Team2 = 1- TSM_P)

Team1 Team2 Team1$WP Team2$WP
1 TSM Cloud9 47% 53%
2 TSM H2K 32% 68%

Second We calculate Manually

TSM_ab <- coef1[rownames(coef1)=="TSM",1]
CLG_ab<- coef1[rownames(coef1)=="CLG",1]
TL_ab <- coef1[rownames(coef1)=="TL",1]

# 49% chance of TSM winning
# 58% chance of TSM winning

predicition based on elo Rating

Note that we are using different files elo.r for this section

the idea

Assign performance rating to each team. This rating is going to show the ability of the team to win

After each game update the rating of the player based on the outcome.

Using the ability scores to predict the match outcome of the game.

team_details <- ddply(players_details, .(Team1, Team2, Result), summarize, kill = sum(Kill), death = sum(Death))
team_details$League <- c("Summer Split")

Starting with Elo's

elos<,death)~ Team1+ Team2, data=team_details,k=20)


head(elos_df, n = 20) # 20 teams only

dim(elos_df) #DF has only 460 entries

# getting the last teams who played in the DF

LCS_last[order(LCS_last$elo,decreasing = T),2:3]

Since the DF which I have was not complete I had to create a virtural round to predic the games from

the round is called round.csv

Home Opponent home_win_prob away_win_prob
1  NIP       G2          0.31          0.69
2   P1      DIG          0.47          0.53

Defining the Home and Away team







ht_W <- elo.prob(elo_h, elo_a)

# if the DB was complete and the round was big we could have used this to get the prob's for all the games
Round$home_win_prob <- c(0.5505317)
Round$away_win_prob<- 1- Round$home_win_prob

Calculating the elo for each game


Calculating the G where it is the score difference. I used the same formula from the website

team_details$G<-ifelse(abs(team_details$kill - team_details$death)<=1, 1,
                    ifelse(abs(team_details$kill - team_details$death)==2, 1.5,
                           (abs(team_details$kill - team_details$death)+11)/8))

just in case if the data was complete we could have calculated the K factor, so I added League myself

team_details$K<- ifelse(team_details$League == "",20,
                     ifelse(team_details$League == "promotion",30,
                            ifelse(team_details$League == "Round Robinr", 40,
                                   ifelse(team_details$League == "Summer Split" || "Winter Split",50,
                                          ifelse(team_details$League == "World Championship", 60)))))

and the final elo

LCS2<,death) ~ Team1 + Team2+
                              k(team_details$K * team_details$G), data =team_details))
Game Team Elo
0 C9 1500
0 CLG 1500
0 DIG 1500
1 C9 1390.625
1 CLG 1609.375
1 DIG 1586.345

divivded the LCS DB into 2 (home, away) I figured that all home teams were odd numbers in LCS2 and all away teams were even hat is why I did it this way.

LCS2 <- tail(LCS2, -20)
## the first 20 which are the teams before they played any match were deleted
elo_home <- LCS2[seq(1, nrow(LCS2), 2),]
elo_away <- LCS2[seq(0, nrow(LCS2), 2),]
team_details$ELO_H<-  elo_home$elo
team_details$ELO_A<-  elo_away$elo
## Calculating the Home Prob
team_details$Home_Prob <- elo.prob(team_details$ELO_H, team_details$ELO_A)
## calculating the actual score
team_details$error <- abs(team_details$Home_Prob - team_details$Result)
# 37 percent error which is same as the Pythagorean formula error

the prob's based on the Elo rating can be found in the team_details Data

So we come to an end. Hope you liked what I've done and I can't wait to hear your opinions and see your comments. Thanks for reading.