This is a R language algorithm that predicts league of legends games made for my class Sport Analytics 270.
players <- read.csv(file='LCSSummer.csv', sep=',', stringsAsFactors = F)
#remove rows for players who never played
players <- players %>% dplyr::filter(Game.Played>0)
#make index for summary/details datasets
#function to impute the Name/Role in missing rows
#knowing that the first row -> summary --> not empty
for(i in 1:nrow(players)){
currentName <- players$Name[i]
currentRole <- players$Role[i]
else if (players$Name[i]==""){
players$Name[i] <- currentName
players$Role[i] <- currentRole
## players_details is the detail of each player on every unique game they have played
players_details <- players %>% dplyr::filter(my_index==2) %>% dplyr::select(-c(my_index))
players_details$Team1<-sapply(players_details$Team, function(x) strsplit(x," ")[[1]][1])
players_details$Team2<-sapply(players_details$Team, function(x) strsplit(x," ")[[1]][3])
players_details$Result<- sapply(players_details$Results, function(x) strsplit(x," ")[[1]][1])
players_details$Multi<-ifelse(players_details$triple.kills>0 | players_details$quadra.kills>0 | players_details$penta.kills>0,'yes','no')
## players_summary is the sum of all the games each player has played
players_summary <- players %>% dplyr::filter(my_index==1) %>% dplyr::select(-c(my_index))
players_summary$KDA <- (players_summary$Kill + players_summary$Assists) / players_summary$Death
for(i in 1:length(roles)){
listPlot1[[i]]<-players_summary %>%
dplyr::filter(Role==roles[i]) %>%
ggplot(aes(x= reorder(Name,KDA),y= KDA,fill=Team)) +
geom_bar(stat='identity',width=.5) + coord_flip() +
scale_fill_manual(values=colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, "Set1"))(length(unique(players_summary$Team)))) +
theme_fivethirtyeight() + ggtitle(paste0('KDA\n',roles[i])) +
theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size=8),
legend.key.size = unit(.3, "cm"))
}, c(listPlot1, ncol=2))
# KDA overall
ggplot(players_summary,aes( x = Death , y= reorder(Name,Kill +Assists))) +
geom_point(aes(color=Team), size = 3, alpha = 0.75) +
scale_color_manual(values=colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(8, "Set1"))(length(unique(players_summary$Team)))) +
theme_fivethirtyeight() +
ggtitle('x = Death,y = Kill + Assist') +
## Turning win and loss into numbers easier to count
players_details$Result[players_details$Result=="Win"]<- 1
players_details$Result[players_details$Result=="Loss"]<- 0
players_details$Result <- as.numeric(as.character(players_details$Result))
a <-aggregate(players_details$Result, by=list(name=players_details$Name), FUN=sum)
#for loose
players_details$Result[players_details$Result==1]<- 0
players_details$Result[players_details$Result==0]<- 1
players_details$Result <- as.numeric(as.character(players_details$Result))
b <-aggregate(players_details$Result, by=list(name=players_details$Name), FUN=sum)
#ordering the players summary to add the result of games
players_summary <-players_summary[order(players_summary$Name), ]
players_summary$SeriesWon <- a
players_summary$Series<- b
#calculating the WP of players
players_summary$WP<-players_summary$SeriesWon[2] / players_summary$Series[2]
players_summary$WP <- as.numeric(unlist(players_summary$WP))
mod <- lm(WP~KDA, data=players_summary)
####intercept: If run differential is 0, thus the team makes and allows equal number of points then you expect to win 50% of the games. ####slope: 1 unit increase in run differential increases the winning percentage by 0.1
Link for exponent formula
exponent <- 1.50 + log((sum(players_summary$Kill) + sum(players_summary$Death))/sum(players_summary$Series[2])) + 0.45
exponent = 4.418451
players_summary$WP_P <- players_summary$Kill^exponent/(players_summary$Kill^exponent + players_summary$Death^exponent)
errors <- players_summary$WP - players_summary$WP_P
plot(errors, pch=16)
We got 37% error percentage, yes this is not a low rate. In the future we need to make our formulas better and include more elements
players_summary$SeriesWon <- NULL
players_summary$Series <- NULL
team_summary <- ddply(players_summary, .(Team), summarize, kill = sum(Kill), death = sum(Death))
team_summary$WP <- team_summary$kill^exponent/(team_summary$kill^exponent + team_summary$death^exponent)
Team | kill | death | WP |
1 Cloud9 | 634 | 470 | 0.78959969 |
2 Counter Logic Gaming | 612 | 463 | 0.77430317 |
3 Echo Fox | 423 | 567 | 0.21508381 |
4 FlyQuest | 496 | 706 | 0.17366289 |
5 Fnatic | 415 | 205 | 0.95755582 |
6 G2 Esports | 321 | 249 | 0.75440295 |
7 H2K | 359 | 225 | 0.88739432 |
8 Immortals | 657 | 523 | 0.73260112 |
9 Misfits | 400 | 346 | 0.65493184 |
10 Mysterious Monkeys | 241 | 436 | 0.06789660 |
11 Ninjas in Pyjamas | 235 | 395 | 0.09157928 |
12 Phoenix1 | 565 | 632 | 0.37868164 |
13 ROCCAT | 282 | 422 | 0.14417110 |
14 Splyce | 362 | 301 | 0.69324927 |
15 Team Dignitas | 569 | 590 | 0.46005184 |
16 Team Envy | 462 | 487 | 0.44204936 |
17 Team Liquid | 561 | 650 | 0.34284909 |
18 Team Vitality | 225 | 282 | 0.26939079 |
19 TSM | 581 | 480 | 0.69925819 |
20 Unicorns of Love | 416 | 414 | 0.50532324 |
BTM <- players_details %>%
group_by(Name, Team1, Team2) %>%
summarise(kill = sum(Kill), death = sum(Death))
BTM <- ddply(players_details, .(Name, Team1, Team2), summarize, kill = sum(Kill), death = sum(Death))
Note that sometimes one of the BTM's do not work but both are supposed to return the same values.
head(BTM, n= 5)
Name | Team1 | Team2 | Kill | Death |
1 Adrian | DIG | C9 | 2 | 7 |
2 Adrian | DIG | CLG | 6 | 13 |
3 Adrian | DIG | FOX | 2 | 7 |
4 Adrian | DIG | IMT | 2 | 4 |
5 Adrian | DIG | P1 | 2 | 10 |
model<- BTm(cbind(Kill,Death),Team1,Team2,data=players_details, id="")
BTm(outcome = cbind(Kill, Death), player1 = Team1, player2 = Team2,
id = "GAME_", data = players_details)
Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-4.3738 -1.2777 -0.2204 0.9815 4.3768
Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
GAME_CLG -0.09771 0.05574 -1.753 0.079619 .
GAME_DIG -0.33734 0.05701 -5.917 3.28e-09 ***
GAME_FLY -0.61498 0.05751 -10.694 < 2e-16 ***
GAME_FNC 0.78349 0.08597 9.114 < 2e-16 ***
GAME_FOX -0.56081 0.06038 -9.287 < 2e-16 ***
GAME_G2 0.43675 0.08444 5.172 2.31e-07 ***
GAME_H2K 0.63266 0.08316 7.608 2.79e-14 ***
GAME_IMT -0.07386 0.05563 -1.328 0.184226
GAME_MM -0.36835 0.08258 -4.461 8.17e-06 ***
GAME_MSF 0.31410 0.07767 4.044 5.26e-05 ***
GAME_NIP -0.28852 0.08368 -3.448 0.000565 ***
GAME_NV -0.32442 0.05928 -5.472 4.44e-08 ***
GAME_P1 -0.43747 0.05808 -7.533 4.96e-14 ***
GAME_ROC -0.16373 0.08292 -1.975 0.048313 *
GAME_SPY 0.34782 0.08206 4.238 2.25e-05 ***
GAME_TL -0.43706 0.05984 -7.304 2.80e-13 ***
GAME_TSM -0.11203 0.05838 -1.919 0.054983 .
GAME_UOL 0.17971 0.07945 2.262 0.023697 *
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
Null deviance: 4437.5 on 1495 degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 3733.7 on 1477 degrees of freedom
AIC: 7438.8
Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4
coef <- model$coefficients
sort(coef, decreasing = T) # sorts from the best to the worst team
# 20 teams overall
# and we 19 coefs
Team | Ability | s.e. |
1 FNC | 0.78 | 0.08 |
2 H2k | 0.63 | 0.08 |
3 G2 | 0.43 | 0.08 |
4 SPY | 0.34 | 0.08 |
5 MSF | 0.31 | 0.07 |
6 UOL | 0.17 | 0.07 |
7 C9 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
8 IMT | -0.07 | 0.05 |
9 CLG | -0.09 | 0.05 |
10 TSM | -0.11 | 0.05 |
11 ROC | -0.16 | 0.08 |
TeamSoloMid <- data.frame(Team1=rep("TSM", 2),
Team2=c("Cloud9", "H2K")) ## we are tying to get TSM versus two team Cloud 9 and H2k
team <- model$coefficients
TeamSoloMid$Team1<- factor(TeamSoloMid$Team1,levels=team_summary$Team) #setting the levels
TeamSoloMid$Team2<-factor(TeamSoloMid$Team2,levels=team_summary$Team) # setting the leves
TSM_P <- predict(model, newdata = TeamSoloMid, level = 2, type = "response",scale=NULL)
TSM_P # gives us that the probability of tsm winning against Cloud 9 is 47% and vs H2K is 32% (But we all know NA > EU ) :sweat_smile:
# now we try to get the win percentage for both teams
TSM_df <- data.frame(TeamSoloMid, Team1= TSM_P, Team2 = 1- TSM_P)
Team1 | Team2 | Team1$WP | Team2$WP |
1 TSM | Cloud9 | 47% | 53% |
2 TSM | H2K | 32% | 68% |
TSM_ab <- coef1[rownames(coef1)=="TSM",1]
CLG_ab<- coef1[rownames(coef1)=="CLG",1]
TL_ab <- coef1[rownames(coef1)=="TL",1]
# 49% chance of TSM winning
# 58% chance of TSM winning
team_details <- ddply(players_details, .(Team1, Team2, Result), summarize, kill = sum(Kill), death = sum(Death))
team_details$League <- c("Summer Split")
elos<,death)~ Team1+ Team2, data=team_details,k=20)
head(elos_df, n = 20) # 20 teams only
dim(elos_df) #DF has only 460 entries
# getting the last teams who played in the DF
LCS_last[order(LCS_last$elo,decreasing = T),2:3]
Since the DF which I have was not complete I had to create a virtural round to predic the games from
Home Opponent home_win_prob away_win_prob
1 NIP G2 0.31 0.69
2 P1 DIG 0.47 0.53
ht_W <- elo.prob(elo_h, elo_a)
# if the DB was complete and the round was big we could have used this to get the prob's for all the games
Round$home_win_prob <- c(0.5505317)
Round$away_win_prob<- 1- Round$home_win_prob
Calculating the G where it is the score difference. I used the same formula from the website
team_details$G<-ifelse(abs(team_details$kill - team_details$death)<=1, 1,
ifelse(abs(team_details$kill - team_details$death)==2, 1.5,
(abs(team_details$kill - team_details$death)+11)/8))
just in case if the data was complete we could have calculated the K factor, so I added League myself
team_details$K<- ifelse(team_details$League == "",20,
ifelse(team_details$League == "promotion",30,
ifelse(team_details$League == "Round Robinr", 40,
ifelse(team_details$League == "Summer Split" || "Winter Split",50,
ifelse(team_details$League == "World Championship", 60)))))
LCS2<,death) ~ Team1 + Team2+
k(team_details$K * team_details$G), data =team_details))
Game | Team | Elo |
0 | C9 | 1500 |
0 | CLG | 1500 |
0 | DIG | 1500 |
1 | C9 | 1390.625 |
1 | CLG | 1609.375 |
1 | DIG | 1586.345 |
divivded the LCS DB into 2 (home, away) I figured that all home teams were odd numbers in LCS2 and all away teams were even hat is why I did it this way.
LCS2 <- tail(LCS2, -20)
## the first 20 which are the teams before they played any match were deleted
elo_home <- LCS2[seq(1, nrow(LCS2), 2),]
elo_away <- LCS2[seq(0, nrow(LCS2), 2),]
team_details$ELO_H<- elo_home$elo
team_details$ELO_A<- elo_away$elo
## Calculating the Home Prob
team_details$Home_Prob <- elo.prob(team_details$ELO_H, team_details$ELO_A)
## calculating the actual score
team_details$error <- abs(team_details$Home_Prob - team_details$Result)
# 37 percent error which is same as the Pythagorean formula error
So we come to an end. Hope you liked what I've done and I can't wait to hear your opinions and see your comments. Thanks for reading.