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KexinChen1999 authored May 6, 2024
1 parent 7874477 commit 6d1ffdb
Showing 1 changed file with 265 additions and 1 deletion.
266 changes: 265 additions & 1 deletion docs/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -244,8 +244,272 @@ f2 = (sum(of_vec .* nf_vec) / N) + (sum(oc_vec .* nc_vec) / N) - Nw # Labor mar
f = [f1, f2] # Construct the vector f from f1 and f2

Production choices for all individuals (including non-operators)
# Farm size vector (land input)
l_vec = of_vec .* lf_vec + oc_vec .* lc_vec

# Hired labor vector
n_vec = of_vec .* nf_vec + oc_vec .* nc_vec

# Output vector
y_vec = of_vec .* yf_vec + oc_vec .* yc_vec

Calculate distributions and statistics of interest
# Truncated distribution - conditional on operating (to calculate averages across active units)
Indic = oc_vec .+ of_vec
COND_distr = Indic ./ sum(Indic)

# Average Farm Size (AFS) - across operators
l_value = sum(COND_distr .* lf_vec .* of_vec) + sum(COND_distr .* lc_vec .* oc_vec)
AFS_BE = l_value

# Landless share
landless_BE = Nw

# parameters used to generate the size distribution (bins)
bin1 = 1;
bin2 = 2;
bin3 = 5;
bin4 = 7;
bin5 = 10;
bin6 = 15;

# Size distribution (culmulative percentage of land/farms) - find farms (operators) in each of the above bins
lhat1in = findfirst(x -> x > bin1, l_vec)
lhat2in = findfirst(x -> x > bin2, l_vec)
lhat3in = findfirst(x -> x > bin3, l_vec)
lhat4in = findfirst(x -> x > bin4, l_vec)
lhat5in = findfirst(x -> x > bin5, l_vec)
lhat6in = findfirst(x -> x > bin6, l_vec)

# Check if the last bin is empty
if isnothing(lhat6in)

# Farm-Size Distribution over rest of bins
farm1 = sum(COND_distr[1:lhat1in-1])
farm2 = sum(COND_distr[lhat1in:lhat2in-1])
farm3 = sum(COND_distr[lhat2in:lhat3in-1])
farm4 = sum(COND_distr[lhat3in:lhat4in-1])
farm5 = sum(COND_distr[lhat4in:lhat5in])
farm6 = sum(COND_distr[lhat5in:N])
farm7 = 0

# Distribution of Land over rest of bins
land1 = sum(l_vec[1:lhat1in-1] .* COND_distr[1:lhat1in-1]) / l_value
land2 = sum(l_vec[lhat1in:lhat2in-1] .* COND_distr[lhat1in:lhat2in-1]) / l_value
land3 = sum(l_vec[lhat2in:lhat3in-1] .* COND_distr[lhat2in:lhat3in-1]) / l_value
land4 = sum(l_vec[lhat3in:lhat4in-1] .* COND_distr[lhat3in:lhat4in-1]) / l_value
land5 = sum(l_vec[lhat4in:lhat5in] .* COND_distr[lhat4in:lhat5in]) / l_value
land6 = sum(l_vec[lhat5in:N] .* COND_distr[lhat5in:N]) / l_value
land7 = 0

# Distribution of Output over rest of bins
output1 = sum(y_vec[1:lhat1in-1] .* COND_distr[1:lhat1in-1])
# Similar for output2 to output6, as with MATLAB code
output7 = 0

# Distribution of Hired Labor over rest of bins
hirelab1 = sum(n_vec[1:lhat1in-1] .* COND_distr[1:lhat1in-1])
# Similar for hirelab2 to hirelab6, as with MATLAB code
hirelab7 = 0


# Farm-Size distribution of Farms over all bins
farm1 = sum(COND_distr[1:lhat1in-1])
farm2 = sum(COND_distr[lhat1in:lhat2in-1])
farm3 = sum(COND_distr[lhat2in:lhat3in-1])
farm4 = sum(COND_distr[lhat3in:lhat4in-1])
farm5 = sum(COND_distr[lhat4in:lhat5in-1])
farm6 = sum(COND_distr[lhat5in:lhat6in])
farm7 = sum(COND_distr[lhat6in:end])

# Distribution of Land over all bins
land1 = sum(l_vec[1:lhat1in-1] .* COND_distr[1:lhat1in-1]) / l_value
land2 = sum(l_vec[lhat1in:lhat2in-1] .* COND_distr[lhat1in:lhat2in-1]) / l_value
land3 = sum(l_vec[lhat2in:lhat3in-1] .* COND_distr[lhat2in:lhat3in-1]) / l_value
land4 = sum(l_vec[lhat3in:lhat4in-1] .* COND_distr[lhat3in:lhat4in-1]) / l_value
land5 = sum(l_vec[lhat4in:lhat5in-1] .* COND_distr[lhat4in:lhat5in-1]) / l_value
land6 = sum(l_vec[lhat5in:lhat6in] .* COND_distr[lhat5in:lhat6in]) / l_value
land7 = sum(l_vec[lhat6in:end] .* COND_distr[lhat6in:end]) / l_value

# Distribution of Output over all bins
output1 = sum(y_vec[1:lhat1in-1] .* COND_distr[1:lhat1in-1])
output2 = sum(y_vec[lhat1in:lhat2in-1] .* COND_distr[lhat1in:lhat2in-1])
output3 = sum(y_vec[lhat2in:lhat3in-1] .* COND_distr[lhat2in:lhat3in-1])
output4 = sum(y_vec[lhat3in:lhat4in-1] .* COND_distr[lhat3in:lhat4in-1])
output5 = sum(y_vec[lhat4in:lhat5in-1] .* COND_distr[lhat4in:lhat5in-1])
output6 = sum(y_vec[lhat5in:lhat6in] .* COND_distr[lhat5in:lhat6in])
output7 = sum(y_vec[lhat6in:end] .* COND_distr[lhat6in:end])

# Distribution of Hired Labor over all bins
hirelab1 = sum(n_vec[1:lhat1in-1] .* COND_distr[1:lhat1in-1])
hirelab2 = sum(n_vec[lhat1in:lhat2in-1] .* COND_distr[lhat1in:lhat2in-1])
hirelab3 = sum(n_vec[lhat2in:lhat3in-1] .* COND_distr[lhat2in:lhat3in-1])
hirelab4 = sum(n_vec[lhat3in:lhat4in-1] .* COND_distr[lhat3in:lhat4in-1])
hirelab5 = sum(n_vec[lhat4in:lhat5in-1] .* COND_distr[lhat4in:lhat5in-1])
hirelab6 = sum(n_vec[lhat5in:lhat6in] .* COND_distr[lhat5in:lhat6in])
hirelab7 = sum(n_vec[lhat6in:end] .* COND_distr[lhat6in:end])


# Conditional (on operating) distribution of LAND INPUT across specified bins - note this is the same as land_pdf_model
l_model = [land1, land2, land3, land4, land5, land6, land7]

# Conditional (on operating) distribution of FARMS (also OPERATORS) across specified bins - note this is the same as farm_pdf_model
f_model = [farm1, farm2, farm3, farm4, farm5, farm6, farm7]

# Conditional (on operating) distribution of OUTPUT across specified bins
y_model = [output1, output2, output3, output4, output5, output6, output7]

# Conditional (on operating) distribution of HIRED LABOR across specified bins
h_model = [hirelab1, hirelab2, hirelab3, hirelab4, hirelab5, hirelab6, hirelab7]

# Conditional (on operating) distribution of HIRED LABOR+OPERATORS across specified bins
n_model = h_model .+ f_model

Find active farm operators
indACTIVE = findall(x -> x == 1, Indic)

Distribution of TFP
# TFP of Active Units
TFPf_vec = (A*KAPPAf.*s_vec).^(1-GAMMA)
TFPc_vec = (A*KAPPAc.*s_vec).^(1-GAMMA)

# Initialize of_vec with ones and then set specific elements to zero based on conditions
#of_vec = ones(Int, N)
#of_vec[1:g_lbar_Indic-1] .= 0
#of_vec[g_ubar_Indic+1:N] .= 0

# Initialize oc_vec with ones and then set specific elements to zero based on conditions
#oc_vec = ones(Int, N)
#oc_vec[1:g_ubar_Indic] .= 0

TFP_vec = of_vec .* TFPf_vec .+ oc_vec .* TFPc_vec
TFP_vec_ac = TFP_vec[indACTIVE]

# Log-TFP of Active Units
lTFP_vec_ac = log.(TFP_vec_ac) # Use broadcasting with 'log.'

# Compute the STD of log TFP (including the KAPPAs)
STDlTFPac = std(lTFP_vec_ac)

# Distribution of TFPR
# TFPRs of all individuals
TFPR_vec = phi_vec .^ (-(1 - GAMMA))

# TFPRs of active farmers
TFPR_vec_ac = TFPR_vec[indACTIVE]

# log of active TFPRs
lTFPR_vec_ac = log.(TFPR_vec_ac) # Use broadcasting with 'log.'

# Standard Deviation of active TFPRs
println("\nSTD OF log-TFPR")
STD_lTFPRac = std(lTFPR_vec_ac)
VAR_lTFPR_model = STD_lTFPRac^2

#Correlation of log(TFP)-log(TFPR) across active farms
println("\nCORR of log-TFP AND log-TFPR")
CORR_lTFP_lTFPR_model = cor(lTFP_vec_ac, lTFPR_vec_ac)

# Aggregate Output per capita (since persons = workers, and only one sector this is also aggregate output per worker - and includes operators + hired workers)
VApw_BE = (sum(oc_vec .* yc_vec) + sum(of_vec .* yf_vec)) / N

# Aggregate Output Per Hired Worker
VAphw = VApw_BE / Nw

# Output per worker (hired + operators) in cash crops
VApw_cash = Yc / LAB_c

# Output per worker (hired + operators) in food crops
VApw_food = Yf / LAB_f

# Save the first set of variables to BE_var.mat
vars_BE_var = Dict(
"g_vec" => g_vec,
"s_vec" => s_vec,
"phi_vec" => phi_vec,
"oc_vec" => oc_vec,
"of_vec" => of_vec,
"COND_distr" => COND_distr,
"lf_vec" => lf_vec,
"lc_vec" => lc_vec,
"l_value" => l_value,
"l_vec" => l_vec,
"Indic" => Indic,
"cdf_g" => cdf_g
matwrite("BE_var_julia.mat", vars_BE_var)

# Save the second set of variables to BE_parameters.mat
# Save the first set of variables to BE_var.mat
vars_BE_var = Dict(
"g_vec" => g_vec,
"s_vec" => s_vec,
"phi_vec" => phi_vec,
"oc_vec" => oc_vec,
"of_vec" => of_vec,
"COND_distr" => COND_distr,
"lf_vec" => lf_vec,
"lc_vec" => lc_vec,
"l_value" => l_value,
"l_vec" => l_vec,
"Indic" => Indic,
"cdf_g" => cdf_g
matwrite("BE_var_julia.mat", vars_BE_var)

# Save the second set of variables to BE_parameters.mat
vars_BE_parameters = Dict(
"Cf" => Cf,
"Cc" => Cc,
"A" => A,
"Pc" => Pc,
"Pf" => Pf,
"N" => N,
"LN" => LN,
"hired_lab_sh" => hired_lab_sh
matwrite("BE_parameters_julia.mat", vars_BE_parameters)

# Save the third set of variables to BE_values.mat
vars_BE_values = Dict(
"VApw_BE" => VApw_BE,
"landless_BE" => landless_BE
matwrite("BE_values_julia.mat", vars_BE_values)

## Government-mandated Land Reform
Second, we focus on the Government-mandated Land Reform (LR_main) part and define the `LR_main_eval` function:
Second, we focus on the Government-mandated Land Reform (LR_main) part, using the data `BE_values_julia.mat` calculated in the previous sector, and define the `LR_main_eval` function:

function LR_main_eval(x, A)
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