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lh-vim-lib v4.0.0 Build Status Project Stats


lh-vim-lib is a library that defines some common VimL functions I use in my various plugins and ftplugins.

This library has been conceived as a suite of |autoload| plugins. As such, it requires Vim 7+.

The complete documentation can be browsed.


  • Since Version 2.2.0, the naming policy of these autoload functions have been harmonized. Now, most names are in lower cases, with words separated by underscores.
  • Since version 3.2.7, it's no longer hosted on google-code but on github
  • Version 4.0.0 breaks lh#let#if_undef() interface.**


Miscellaneous functions

Function Purpose
lh#askvim#exe() Returns what a VimL command echoes
lh#askvim#scriptnames() Returns :scriptnames result as a list of [scriptid, name] arrays
lh#askvim#scriptname(id) Returns the name of the script associate to {id}
lh#async#queue(cmd, options) Push a cmd to execute in a queue of jobs. Requires Vim 7.4-1980
lh#common#check_deps() Checks a VimL symbol is loaded
lh#common#echomsg_multilines() Applies :echomsg on a multi-lines text
lh#common#error_msg() Displays an error message
lh#common#rand() Returns a random number
lh#common#warning_msg() Displays a warning
lh#encoding#at(mb_string, i) Returns the i-th character in a multibytes string
lh#encoding#iconv() Unlike iconv(), this wrapper returns {expr} when we know no conversion can be achieved.
lh#encoding#iconv(expr, from, to) Converts an expression from an encoding to another
lh#encoding#strlen(mb_string) Executes strlen() on a multibytes string
lh#encoding#strpart(mb_string, p, l) Executes strpart() on a multibytes string
lh#event#register_for_one_execution_at() Registers a command to be executed once (and only once) when an event is triggered on the current file
lh#exception#callstack() Parses v:throwpoint to extract the functions called
lh#exception#callstack()as_qf Returns the callstack in a format compatible with quickfix functions
lh#fmt#printf({format}, {args...}) printf overload that takes positional arguments
lh#float#arg_max(list) Returns the index of the maximum element of a list of floats
lh#float#arg_min(list) Returns the index of the minimum element of a list of floats
lh#float#max(list) Returns the maximum of a list of floats
lh#float#min(list) Returns the minimum of a list of floats
lh#ft#is_text() Tells whether the filetype is a text filetype
lh#has#jobs() Tells whether +job are correctly implemented
lh#has#partials() Tells whether partials are correctly implemented
lh#has#default_in_getbufvar() Tells whether getbufvar() has its 3 parameters
lh#icomplete#new(startcol, matches, Hook) Prepares a smart insert mode omni-completion menu that'll trigger actions instead of inserting text. smart means characters may be typed to reduce choices.
lh#icomplete#new_on(pat, matches, Hook) Same as previous, but this time the startcol is automatically deduced from the word pattern.
lh#icomplete#run(startcol, matches, Hook) Prepares an insert mode completion menu that'll trigger actions instead of inserting text as complete() does. deprecated prefer lh#icomplete#new()
lh#leader#get() Returns the current value of g:mapleader, or '\\' if unset
lh#leader#get_local() Returns the current value of g:maplocalleader, or '\\' if unset
lh#leader#set_local_if_unset() Sets a new value to g:maplocalleader, if and only if this variable wasn't already set
lh#let#if_undef() Defines an extended vim variable (with :let) on the condition the variable does not exist yet
lh#let#to() Defines an extended vim variable (with :let) -- its previous value will be overridden
lh#let#unlet() Undefines an extended vim variable (with :unlet)
lh#log#echomsg() Returns a new logger object, that logs with :echomsg (internal use)
lh#log#new() Returns a new logger object (internal use)
lh#log#none() Returns a new, inactive, logger object (internal use)
lh#log#set_logger(kind, opts) Sets the global logging policy (quickfix/loclist window, none, echomsg)
lh#log#this({format}, {args...}) Logs a formatted message with the global logger
lh#log#exception(...) Logs the exception, and possibly its callstack, with the global logger.
lh#math#abs() Portable abs() function
lh#mapping#define() Defines a mapping from its description
lh#mapping#plug() Defines a series of default mappings associated to a plug mapping
lh#on#exit() Prepares a finalizer object to be executed in a :finally clause in order to restore variables and execute functions
lh#object#is_an_object() Tells whether the parameter is an object built with lh#object#make_top_type()
lh#object#make_top_type() Creates a new object
lh#object#to_string() Stringifies a data -- hide objects methods
lh#option#add() Adds new values to a vim option -- and avoid the values being listed more than once
lh#option#get(name [,default [, scope]]) Fetches the value of a user defined option, that may be empty. default is returned if the option does not exists. Default value for default is g:lh#option#unset
lh#ft#option#get(name, ft [...]) Fetches the value of a user defined option that can be specialized on a filetype basis
lh#ft#option#get_postfixed(name, ft [...]) Fetches the value of a user defined option that can be specialized on a filetype basis
lh#ft#option#get_all(name [, ft...]) Fetches the merged values of a dictionnary that can be specialized on a filetype basis
lh#option#get_non_empty() Fetches the value of a user defined option, that is not empty
lh#option#get_from_buf(bufid, name [...]) Same as lh#option#get() except that it works from bufid context
lh#option#getbufvar(buf, varname [,def]) Encapsulates getbufvar(buf, varname, g:lh#option#unset) when def is not passed
lh#option#getbufglobvar(buf, varname [,def]) Encapsulates getbufvar(buf, varname, get(g:, varname, g:lh#option#unset))
lh#option#is_set(expr) Tells whether the expression is set (i.e. different from g:lh#option#unset)
lh#option#is_unset(expr) Tells whether the expression is not set (i.e. identical to g:lh#option#unset)
lh#ref#bind(varname) Returns a refererence to another variable. To be evaluated with lh#option#get()
lh#ref#is_bound(var) Tells whether a variable is bound to another
lh#position#char_at_mark() Obtains the character under a mark
lh#position#char_at_pos() Obtains the character at a given position
lh#position#char_at() Obtains the character at a given pair of coordinates
lh#position#compare() Tells if a position in a buffer is before another one -- result compatible with sort()
lh#position#extract(pos1,pos2) Obtains the text between two positions
lh#position#is_before() Tells if a position in a buffer is before another one -- boolean result
lh#string#matches() Extracts a list of all matches in a string
lh#string#trim() Trim a string
lh#time#bench(F,...) Times the execution of F(...)
lh#time#date() return the equivalent of strftime('%D-th %b %Y)
lh#vcs#get_type(...) Returns the type of the versioning system the file is under
lh#vcs#as_http(...) Returns the url of the repository the parameter is under, or g:url if none is found. Enforce the result in the form http://, if possible
lh#vcs#decode_github_url(url) Extract user name and repository name from a github url
lh#vcs#get_url(...) Returns the url of the repository the parameter is under, or g:url if none is found
lh#vcs#is_git(...) Tells whether the file is under a git repository
lh#vcs#is_svn(...) Tells whether the file is under a svn repository
lh#visual#cut() Cut and returns the visually selected text
lh#visual#selection() Returns the visually selected text

System related functions

See also system-tools

Function Purpose
lh#env#expand_all() Expands environment variables found in strings
lh#os#has_unix_layer_installed() Tells whether the enduser has declared a unix layer installed (on a Windows box)
lh#os#OnDOSWindows() Tells whether the current vim is a native windows flavour of gvim
lh#os#sys_cd() Build a portable string to use to change directory when executing external commands
lh#os#chomp(text) Like Perl chomp, remove the trailing character produced by system() calls
lh#os#make(cmd, bang) Executes export p:$ENV && :make{bang} {cmd}
lh#os#new_script_runner(cmd,env) Returns a finalizable temporary script that sets p:$ENV variables and execute the command
lh#os#system(cmd) Returns lh#os#chomp(system(export p:$ENV && command))
lh#os#cpu_number() Returns the number of processors on the machine
lh#os#cpu_cores_number() Returns the number of cores on the machine

Lists and dictionaries related functions

Function Purpose
lh#dict#add_new() Adds elements from the second dictionary if they are not set yet in the first
lh#dict#get_composed() Function symetric to lh#let#*() functions
lh#dict#key() Expects the dictionary to have only one element (throw otherwise) and returns it
lh#dict#let() Emulates :let dict.key.key.key = value
lh#dict#subset() Builds a subset dictionary of a dict
lh#list#accumulate() Accumulates the elements from a list
lh#list#accumulate() Accumulates the elements from a list
lh#list#accumulate2() Accumulates the elements from a list -- version closer to C++ std::accumulate()
lh#list#arg_min() & max Returns the index of the lesser/greater elements
lh#list#chain_transform() Applies a series of transformation on each element from a list ; unlike map(), the input list is left unchanged
lh#list#concurrent_for() Concurrently searches for symettric differences and intersection of two sorted sets
lh#list#contain_entity() Tells whether a Dict or List entity is present within a list
lh#list#copy_if() Copies the elements from a list that match a predicate
lh#list#equal_range() See C++ std::equal_range
lh#list#find_if() Searches the first element in a list that verifies a predicate
lh#list#flat_extend() Extends a list with another, or add elements into a list depending on the right-hand-side parameter
lh#list#flatten() Flattens a list
lh#list#for_each_call() Calls a function of all elements from a list
lh#list#get() Returns a list with the elements of index/key in a list of lists/dictionaries (<=> map get(key/idx) list)
lh#list#intersect() Intersection of two lists
lh#list#lower_bound() See C++ std::lower_bound
lh#list#map_on() Transforms a list of lists/dictionaries at key/index with specified action.
lh#list#mask() Builds a subset of the input list ; elements are kept according to a mask list.
lh#list#match() Searches the first element in a list that matches a pattern
lh#list#match_re() Searches the first pattern in a list that is matched by a text
lh#list#matches() Returns the list of indices of elements that match the pattern
lh#list#not_found() Returns whether the range returned from equal_range is empty (i.e. element not found)
lh#list#possible_values() Returns a sorted list of the values that are stored: in a flat list, or at a given {index} in the lists from the input {list}, or at a given {key} in the dictionaries from the input {list}
lh#list#push_if_new() Adds a elements if not already present in the list
lh#list#push_if_new_elements() Adds elements if not already present in the list
lh#list#remove() Remove elements from list according to a list of indices
lh#list#rotate() Rotate elements from list
lh#list#separate() Returns the list that matches the predicate and the list that doesn't match it
lh#list#sort() Workaround sort() bug which has been fixed in Vim v7.4.411
lh#list#subset() Builds a subset slice of a list
lh#list#transform() Applies a transformation on each element from a list ; unlike map(), the input list is left unchanged
lh#list#transform_if() Applies a transformation on each element from a list that match the predicate
lh#list#uniq() Emulates uniq() when not defined, calls it otherwise
lh#list#unique_sort() Sorts the elements of a list, and makes sure they are all unique
lh#list#unique_sort2() Another implementation of unique_sort
lh#list#upper_bound() See C++ std::upper_bound
lh#list#zip() Zip two lists into one list.
lh#list#zip_as_dict() Zip two lists into a dictionary

Stacks related functions

Procedural way

Function Purpose
lh#stack#push(stack, value) Pushes a variable at the end of a list that will be interpreted as a stack
lh#stack#top(stack) Fetches the top of the stack
lh#stack#pop(stack) Pops the top of the stack

OO way

Function Purpose
lh#stack#new(...) Creates a new stack object that proposes push, top and pop methods.
lh#stack#new_list(nb) Builds what repeat([lh#stack#new()], 42) cannot build

Graphs related functions

Function Purpose
lh#graph#tsort#breadth() Same as depth(), but with a non-recursive breadth-first search
lh#graph#tsort#depth() Implements a Topological Sort on a Direct Acyclic Graph, with a recursive depth-first search

Paths related functions

Function Purpose
lh#path#add_path_if_exists(listname, path) Adds a path is a list iff the path points to an existing node
lh#path#common() Returns the biggest common part between several paths
lh#path#depth() Returns the depth of a path
lh#path#exists() Returns whether a pathname can be read, or if it's open in a buffer
lh#path#find(pathlist, regex) Returns the first path in a list that matches a regex
lh#path#find_in_parents() Support function at the root of local_vimrc
lh#path#fix() Fixes a pathname in order for it to be compatible with external commands or vim options
lh#path#glob_as_list() Returns globpath()result as a list
lh#path#is_absolute_path() Tells whether the parameter is an absolute pathname
lh#path#is_distant_or_scratch() Tells whether the parameter is a distant path or a scratch buffer name
lh#path#is_in(node, path) Tells whether a node is already present in a path -- readlink() is applied on both parameters
lh#path#is_url() Tells whether the parameter is an URL
lh#path#join(pathparts, ...) Joins path parts into a string
lh#path#munge(pathlist, path) Adds a path to a list on the condition the path isn't already present, and that it points to a valid node
lh#path#new_permission_lists() Prepares a permission lists object to be used to accept/reject pathnames based upon white/black/... lists
lh#path#readlink(pathname) Returns readlink result on the pathname -- when the command is available on the system
lh#path#relative_to() Returns the relative offset to reference files in another directory
lh#path#remove_dir_mark() Removes the trailing / or \ in the path if any
lh#path#select_one() Asks the end-user to select one pathname
lh#path#shellslash() Returns the shellslash character
lh#path#simplify() Like simplify(), but also strips the leading ./
lh#path#split(pathname) Splits a string into path parts
lh#path#strip_common() In a set of pathnames, strips the leading part they all have in common
lh#path#strip_start() Strips the leading part of a pathname if found in the given list of pathnames
lh#path#to_dirname() Complete the current path with '/' if missing
lh#path#to_regex() Builds a regex that can be used to match pathnames
lh#path#to_relative() Transforms a pathname to a pathname relative to the current directory
lh#path#vimfiles() Returns where the current user vimfiles are ($HOME/.vim ~/vimfiles, ...)

Commands related functions

Function Purpose
lh#command#new() Experimental way to define commands that support auto-completion
lh#command#Fargs2String() Merges a set strings into a set of parameters (experimental)

Menus related functions

Function Purpose
lh#askvim#menu() Experimental functions to ask vim which menus are defined
lh#mapping#define() Defines a new mapping given a mapping definition
lh#menu#IVN_make() Like lh#menu#make(), but dedicated to text inserting actions and INSERT, NORMAL, and VISUAL modes.
lh#menu#def_string_item() This function defines a [
lh#menu#def_toggle_item() This function defines a [
lh#menu#is_in_visual_mode() Tells whether the action triggered by a menu/map was initiated while in visual mode.
lh#menu#make() Helper function to associate menus and mappings to actions in different modes.
lh#menu#map_all() Helper function to define several mappings at once as :amenu would do
lh#menu#text() Transforms a regular text into a text that can be directly used with [

See also the documentation of the old functions at

Buffers related functions

Function Purpose
lh#buffer#dialog#add_help() see lh-vim-lib/dialog
lh#buffer#dialog#new() see lh-vim-lib/dialog
lh#buffer#dialog#select() see lh-vim-lib/dialog
lh#buffer#dialog#toggle_help() see lh-vim-lib/dialog
lh#buffer#find() Finds and jumps to the window that matches the buffer identifier, does nothing if not found.
lh#buffer#get_nr() Returns the buffer number associated to a buffername/filename. If no such file is known to vim, a buffer will be locally created
lh#buffer#jump() Like lh#buffer#find(), but opens the buffer in a new window if it no matching window was opened before.
lh#buffer#list() Returns the list of buflisted buffers.
lh#buffer#scratch() Opens a new scratch buffer.
:--------------------------------- :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
lh#window#split() Forces to open a new split, ignoring E36
lh#window#new() Forces to open a new window, ignoring E36
lh#window#create_window_with() Forces to create a new split, with any split related command, ignoring E36
lh#window#getid() Emulates recent win_getid() function
lh#window#gotoid() Emulates recent win_gotoid() function

Syntax related functions

Function Purpose
lh#syntax#is_a_comment() Tells the syntax kind of the character at the given mark is a comment
lh#syntax#is_a_comment_at() Tells the syntax kind of the character at the given position is a comment
lh#syntax#list() Like lh#syntax#list_raw(), but reinterprets the results (experimental)
lh#syntax#list_raw() Returns the result of "syn list {group-name}" as a string
lh#syntax#name_at() Tells the syntax kind of the character at the given position
lh#syntax#name_at_mark() Tells the syntax kind of the character at the given mark
lh#syntax#name_at_mark() Tells the syntax kind of the character at the given mark
lh#syntax#skip() lh#syntax#SkipAt() lh#syntax#SkipAtMark() Helper functions to be used with searchpair() in order to ignore comments, Doxygen comments, strings, and characters while searching
:----------------------------------------------------------------- :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Function Purpose
lh#function#bind() Builds a functor object.
lh#function#execute() Executes a functor object.
lh#function#prepare() Prepares a functor object to be evaluated.

UI functions

All the functions defined in ui-functions.vim are wrappers around Vim interactive functions. Depending on a configuration variable ([bg]:ui_type), they will delegate the interaction to a gvim UI function, or a plain text UI function (defined by vim, or emulated)

Function Purpose
CHECK() Emulates a checbox UI function
COMBO() Emulates a combobox UI function
CONFIRM() Similar to confirm()
IF() Acts as the ternary operator
INPUT() Calls inputdialog() or input()
WHICH() Wrapper around functions like CONFIRM() or COMBO() that returns the text of the selected item instead of the index of the selected item

In the same thematics, see also VFT - Vim Form Toolkit

Design by Contract functions

This set of functions introduce DbC helpers. There are here to help plugin developers to detect and eradicate VimL programming errors.

When an assertion fails, we cannot expect the script to go on correctly. There IS an error in its logic. We cannot expect anything good after that. That's where lh#assert#*() functions differs from Vim |test-functions| and my vim-UT plugin: these other functions aim at providing tools to write unit tests.

Function Purpose
lh#assert#mode() Sets the assertion mode (default, 'debug', 'ignore', 'abort'
lh#assert#errors() Returns the last known contract failures
lh#assert#clear() Clears the last known contract failures
lh#assert#true() Asserts a value is true
lh#assert#false() Asserts a value is false
lh#assert#equal() Asserts a value equals to what is expected
lh#assert#not_equal() Asserts a value differs from a reference value
lh#assert#match() Asserts a pattern matches a value
lh#assert#unexpected() Signals an unexpected situation
lh#assert#if().then_expect() Asserts condition1 implies condition2
lh#assert#value().equal() Asserts actual == ref
lh#assert#value().differ() Asserts actual != ref
lh#assert#value().is_le() Asserts actual <= ref
lh#assert#value().is_lt() Asserts actual < ref
lh#assert#value().is_ge() Asserts actual >= ref
lh#assert#value().is_gt() Asserts actual > ref

Word Tools



  • Requirements: Vim 7.4, Vim8 for lh#async feature.
  • Clone from the git repository
git clone [email protected]:LucHermitte/lh-vim-lib.git
ActivateAddons lh-vim-lib
  • Note that vim-flavor also handles dependencies which will permit to automatically import lh-vim-lib from plugins that use it:
flavor LucHermitte/lh-vim-lib
  • Vundle/NeoBundle:
Bundle 'LucHermitte/lh-vim-lib'


  • Luc Hermitte, maintainer
  • Troy Curtis Jr, for portability functions, and many tests/issues he raised
  • Many other I've forgotten :(

Some other VimL libraries


Library of VimL functions







No packages published


  • Vim Script 99.9%
  • Ruby 0.1%