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Releases: Kleinrotti/TeamCord
Releases · Kleinrotti/TeamCord
Beta Version!
When updating TeamCord, the current TeamCord settings will be overridden.
- #12 Use the audio output device which is set in teamspeak instead the windows default audio device.
- When linking a discord channel, the channel name and server name is also written to the teamspeak channel description.
Beta Version!
When updating TeamCord, the current TeamCord settings will be overridden.
- Fixed an audio bug when using opus music in teamspeak
Beta Version!
When updating TeamCord, the current TeamCord settings will be overridden.
- Improved logging
- Improved audio playback quality and delay
- Updated dependencies
- Fixed a crash when using mute or deaf while not being logged in
Beta Version!
When updating TeamCord, the current TeamCord settings will be overridden.
- Mouse hover tooltip on settings to show detailed descriptions
- When linking a Discord channel, TeamCord will no longer replace the entire ts3 channel description. Instead it will be appended. You can also
paste the json string manually in the ts3 channel description without the need to remove the rest of the description. TeamCord will find that
json string anywhere in the description automatically now. - New tray icons for mute/deaf
- Play a sound if someone joins/leaves in discord
- Display voice processing time in the connection info window
- Visible GUI improvements
- Fixed a possible crash when clicking on a ts3 channel
- Stability improvements
Beta Version!
Hotfix patch
- Updated default plugin settings
- Fixed a bug when another user in discord was moved or switched to another channel, Teamcord would have leaved the channel then too.
Beta Version!
- Discord MFA login support
- Discord auto mute (when another user is on the same ts3 channel and discord channel, discord audio will be muted for the user)
- Option to check for updates on startup
- Display info text to volume control if no other users are in current discord channel
- New clickable label on About window to report a bug
- Store discord token instead of credentials
- Improved playback audio quality
- Improved muting
- Improved overall stability
- Improved logging
- Only enable Teamcord ts3 context menu when its available
- Leave discord channel automatically when own user was moved
If the login to discord failed but credentials are correct, it could be possible that you have to login at once to complete a captcha. After this the login with Teamcord should work.
Beta Version
- Fixed discord login issue
- Improved connection handling