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Karma Actions & Karma Effects

celestyte edited this page Sep 11, 2020 · 13 revisions

Karma Actions

A Karma Action is a player driven action which will lead to changes to their Karma Score (and subsequently, their Karma Alignment). In Karma Overload 1.0.0, there is 17 Karma Actions that are available.

These are case sensitive, if you don't type them like they are written in the table you may encounter issues!

Karma Action Accepted Values
PASSIVE Chance, amount, interval, permission, sound
FRIENDLY_MOB_KILLING chance, amount, permission, sound
PASSIVE_MOB_KILLING chance, amount, permission, sound
HOSTILE_MOB_KILLING chance, amount, permission, sound
PLAYER_HITTING chance, amount, permission, sound
FRIENDLY_MOB_HITTING chance, amount, permission, sound
TRADING chance, amount, permission, sound
BARTERING chance, amount, permission, sound
TAMING chance, amount, permission, sound
FEEDING chance, amount, permission, sound
SERVER_VOTING chance, amount, permission, sound
EATING List of Materials, each with: chance, amount, permission, sound
BLOCK_PLACING List of Materials, each with: chance, amount, permission, sound
BLOCK_BREAKING List of Materials, each with: chance, amount, permission, sound
MESSAGING List of words, each with: chance, amount, permission, sound
ADVANCEMENT Advancement location, chance, amount, permission, sound

Here you can read what each Karma Action consists of:

  • Passive: The player gains/loses Karma just by being in the server
  • Friendly Mob Killing: The player gains/loses Karma by killing friendly mobs (wolves, horses, etc.)
  • Passive Mob Killing: The player gains/loses Karma by killing passive mobs (pigs, sheep, etc.)
  • Hostile Mob Killing: The player gains/loses Karma by killing hostile mobs (Zombies, Skeletons, etc.)
  • Player Hitting: The player gains/loses Karma by hitting players
  • Friendly Mob Hitting: The player gains/loses Karma by hitting friendly mobs
  • Trading: The player gains/loses Karma by trading with villagers
  • Bartering: The player gains/loses Karma by bartering with Piglins (1.16+)
  • Taming: The player gains/loses Karma by taming mobs
  • Feeding: The player gains/loses Karma by feeding mobs
  • Server Voting: The player gains/loses Karma by voting the server (requires NuVotifier)
  • Eating: The player gains/loses Karma by eating a food
  • Block Placing: The player gains/loses Karma by placing a block
  • Block Breaking: The player gains/loses Karma by breaking a block
  • Messaging: The player gains/loses Karma by sending a message containing specific words
  • Advancement: The player gains/loses Karma by completing advancements

When adding a value to a Karma action, it should always follow this format: <value name> = <value>. When a Karma Action requires multiple values (which most of them do), each value should be split with a ;. An example of a complete Karma Action to be written in alignment file is as follows: PASSIVE: chance = 1.0; amount = 1.0; interval = 180;

Values which have an asterisk (*) next to their name require further reading, which can be found at the bottom of this page.

These are also case sensitive, type them exactly like they are written in the table below to avoid issues!

Value name Accepted value
chance The decimal probability for the action to be triggered
amount The amount of Karma to be gained/lost from performing this action
permission The permission required for the action to be triggered
sound * The sound to play when the action is triggered
List of Materials, each with [values] * A list of materials with a set of values each

Some Karma Actions use values that are unique and used just for that action specifically. Here's a table displaying all of them (Case sensitive)

Unique Value Name Accepted value Action using it
interval How often the action should triggered (In seconds) PASSIVE
babiesEnabled Whether feeding babies will trigger the FEEDING action - must be true/false FEEDING
List of words, each with [values] * A list of words which will trigger the action, each with a set of values MESSAGING
List of Advancement IDs* The advancement's id ADVANCEMENT

Special Values

These are values which require a more thorough explanation.

  • Sound: Sounds follow the following format sound =[volume],[pitch]). The is the name of the sound which can be played with the /playsound command. Example: sound = entity.lightning.strike(1.0, 2.0)
  • List of Materials: Requires one or multiple entries of materials. These follow this format: - [Material]{[values]}. A list of all usable materials can be found here. Example: - GOLDEN_CARROT{chance = 0.5; amount = 1.0; permission =}
  • List of Words: Requires one or multiple entries of word(s). These follow this format: - [word(s)]{[values]}. The word(s) is not case sensitive, and supports spaces. Example: - silly{chance = 1.0; amount = -1.0; sound = block.note_block.bass(1.0, 1.5)}
  • List of Advancement IDs: Requires one or multiple entries of advancement id(s). These can be found here, and follow this format: - minecraft:adventure/adventuring_time{chance = 1.0; amount = 10.0;}

Karma Effects

Karma Effects are events which take place at specific times, depending on a player's alignment. There is 7 effects as of Karma Overload 1.0.0

Karma Effect Accepted Values
EXP_MULTIPLIER Chance, mult, permission, sound
KARMA_MULTIPLIER Chance, gainMult, lossMult, permission, sound
LOOT_GENERATION Chance, mult, permission, sound
LIGHTNING Chance, permission, prepareSound, strikeSound
MOB_ANGER Chance, radius, permission, sound
MINERAL_REGEN List of Materials, each with: chance, permission, breakSound, appearSound
MINERAL_FAIL List of Materials, each with: chance, permission, sound

Here you can read what each Karma Effect consists of:

  • Experience Multiplier: Experience gained will be multiplied by a specified amount.
  • Karma Multiplier: Karma gained/lost will be multiplied by a specified amount.
  • Loot Generation: Multiplies loot contents by a specified amount.
  • Lightning: Creates a chance to be struck by lightning during a thunderstorm.
  • Mob Anger: Creates a chance of angering nearby mobs when passing by them.
  • Mineral Regeneration: Creates a chance for ores to 'respawn' after a delay, being able to be mined again. This works only with non-smeltable ores and with a pickaxe without silk touch.
  • Mineral Fail: Creates a chance for ores to drop cobblestone/netherrack instead of their usual drops when mined.

Karma Effects follow the same rules about values as Karma Actions do.

Values are case sensitive, type them exactly like they are written in the table below to avoid issues!

Value name Accepted value
chance The decimal probability for the action to be triggered
mult/gainMult/lossMult A decimal number which indicates the multiplier to be applied (Depending on context)
permission The permission required for the effect to take place
sound/prepareSound/strikeSound/breakSound/appearSound The sound to play when the effect takes place
List of Materials, each with [values] A list of materials with a set of values each
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