📌 GitHub Repository: Project Repository
📌 Branches:
- Dijkstra Algorithm:
- A Algorithm:*
📌 Additional Repository for RRT Implementation:
🚀 RRT Algorithm Repository: RRT Repository
🎥 A Gazebo Simulation Video:Click Here
This project implements three path planning algorithms:
✅ Dijkstra's Algorithm
Finds the shortest path between a start and goal node using uniform cost search.
✅ A Algorithm*
An optimized version of Dijkstra’s algorithm that uses heuristics for faster convergence.
✅ Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) Algorithm
Implemented separately in this repository, which is useful for high-dimensional and complex spaces.
Both Dijkstra and A* implementations account for obstacles and robot clearance and provide visualizations of node exploration and the optimal path.
For RRT, refer to the RRT Repository for details on its implementation.
The following Python libraries are required to run the code:
numpy, cv2, math, queue, matplotlib.pyplot, matplotlib.path
Ensure these libraries are installed before executing the code.
For RRT implementation, please visit the RRT Repository. This algorithm is particularly useful for high-dimensional and complex environments.
- Run the script:
python project2/dijkstra_kiran_abhinav.py
- Enter the X and Y coordinates for the start and goal nodes.
- Enter the clearance for the robot.
- The algorithm will compute the optimal path and display the results on the map.
- A video of the exploration and final path will be generated and saved.
🎥 Dijkstra Video Demo: Click Here
- Switch to the hotfix/3-2 branch:
git checkout hotfix/3-2
- Run the script:
python project3/a_star_kiran_abhinav.py
- Enter the X and Y coordinates and orientations of the start and goal nodes one by one.
- Ensure orientations are multiples of 30 degrees.
- Enter the clearance of the robot.
- The optimal path will be displayed on the map.
- A video with Node Exploration and Optimal Path will be saved.
- Start Node: (200, 200, 60)
- Goal Node: (5500, 200)
- Clearance: 150mm
🎥 A Video Demo:* Click Here
- Copy the given package into the ROS2 workspace.
- Navigate to the package directory and build the workspace:
colcon build source install/setup.bash
- Launch the ROS2 package:
ros2 launch turtlebot3_project3 competition_world.launch.py
- Run the A* ROS2 node:
ros2 run turtlebot3_project3 path_plan.py
- Enter the goal coordinates in X and Y.
- Goal Coordinates: (4500, 200)
Make sure to switch to the correct branch before running the respective implementations:
git checkout project2 # For Dijkstra Algorithm
git checkout hotfix/3-2 # For A* Algorithm
For RRT, refer to its dedicated repository: RRT Repository.
- ENPM 661 - Planning for Autonomous Robots
- ROS2 Documentation
- Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) Planning
For any queries, please reach out via GitHub issues or email. 🚀