Komodo extension to add support for the Go language.
I haven't yet put up a build to the Komodo addons site so you'll have to build it yourself for now. We'll be including this in Komodo builds by default starting from Komodo 9.
- File-type language detection for .go files
- Syntax highlighting (including folding)
- Syntax Checking (linting)
- Codeintel via Gocode
- Code Outline (for Code Browser and Sections List in IDE)
- Jump to definition via godef
- Install 'go' and 'gocode', ensure are on the PATH configured in your overall or project-specific Komodo settings
- For code completion and go to definition ensure 'gocode' and 'godef' are on
your paths as well. To install gocode and godef:
- $ go get github.com/nsf/gocode
- $ go get code.google.com/p/rog-go/exp/cmd/godef
- Find the 'koext' binary that is within your Komodo install (within sdk/bin).
- Run 'koext build -i golib' from the repository root, it should produce an .xpi for you.
- Open this .xpi with Komodo to install it.