Releases: KonstantinGasser/scotty
Releases · KonstantinGasser/scotty
- 44784f6: fix: line breaking added random new lines and skiped log lines (@KonstantinGasser)
- 86ca9ec: fix: issue when resizing the pager's buffer (@KonstantinGasser)
- 63e2a2d: fix: negative repeat count for indention in line wrap (@KonstantinGasser)
- 498bfd5: fix: pager would swallow lines and miss lines/elements when going from half full buffer to overflow of the buffer (@KonstantinGasser)
- 4c15a64: fix: panic for background updates of tty dimensions (@KonstantinGasser)
- a4e1b43: fix: panic on resize while in formatting view (@KonstantinGasser)
Other work
- de2cc73: Merge pull request #23 from KonstantinGasser/line_wrap (@KonstantinGasser)
- 942cbfc: a little better error message if another scotty instance is already running (@KonstantinGasser)
- aa05698: adding benchmark results (@KonstantinGasser)
- 0e4faf3: adding test to ensure resize of format buffer is working (@KonstantinGasser)
- 79556fe: clean up line manipulation functions and tests (@KonstantinGasser)
- a67be91: commented test cases (@KonstantinGasser)
- 54f4607: fixed test cases due to layout change in tailing (no longer showing index in front of line-prefix) (@KonstantinGasser)
- d78a1ce: move shift and append into isolated function (might be useful) (@KonstantinGasser)
- 6385dd5: moved back to old color schema for logo (@KonstantinGasser)
- 659a689: removed deprecated MoveDown function in pager (@KonstantinGasser)
- cebaf91: removed testing code which is not used (@KonstantinGasser)
- 5042e85: using pool of strings.Builder, decreased B/op and ns/op (@KonstantinGasser)
- bf6909c: fix: deadlock when multiple beams with the same label tryied to connect (@KonstantinGasser)
Other work
- 9033a55: Merge pull request #22 from KonstantinGasser/test_and_bench (@KonstantinGasser)
- 90b1d21: Update release v0.1.1 (@KonstantinGasser)
- 717aaa6: clean-up test cases and benchmarks (@KonstantinGasser)
- 32251f1: fix in the test (@KonstantinGasser)
- b7e74f8: fix in the test (@KonstantinGasser)
- 1bc9300: some benchmarks for the info component to get some idea and understand why the info flickers (@KonstantinGasser)
- 59c03f8: updated README example image (@KonstantinGasser)
- a4f7c6c: fix: application crashed if browsed >= buffer-size (@KonstantinGasser)
- 5a4aa2d: fix: if the pager's buffer starts truncating lines at the beginning a new slice was created each time (@KonstantinGasser)
- 47477ab: fix: reset search index on key(:) when browsing (@KonstantinGasser)
- 7a824fe: fix: window size change did not reflect in browsing view (@KonstantinGasser)
Other work
- 9b6d180: Merge pull request #20 from KonstantinGasser/pager_mem_leak (@KonstantinGasser)
- 80d8943: Merge pull request #21 from KonstantinGasser/line_padding (@KonstantinGasser)
- 4f07fb7: Update (@KonstantinGasser)
- e6f2d57: aligned changed function name (@KonstantinGasser)
- 0ac7c05: fixed failing test cases where the output format has changed (@KonstantinGasser)
- cb65c5a: fixed failing test cases where the output format has changed (@KonstantinGasser)
- cf4fab7: hopefully better naming for function parameters (@KonstantinGasser)
- f1ad923: indent broken lines with the beam label prefix; draft, has pending issues (@KonstantinGasser)
- aace596: syntax error in goreleaser (@KonstantinGasser)
- c71c55a: unsed import (@KonstantinGasser)
- general bug fixes
- new way to navigate within scotty using key stroke sequences
- new design providing more space for rendered logs
- 3a4a195 Merge branch 'KonstantinGasser:main' into main
- 444abbf Merge branch 'main' of
- 89a4d79 Merge pull request #10 from petryeric/main
- 3e0f331 Merge pull request #11 from KonstantinGasser/log_store
- 28986a3 Merge pull request #13 from KonstantinGasser/tab_design
- a750d3a README version bump for release
- 2542d03 Update
- 00f75c5 Update
- a7673c1 Update
- f13f0b8 adding color configuration from static to yaml
- 3116515 adding index to the log line on display
- 811ec24 adding rang API to ring buffer to get a range within the buffer
- 0c6d4d0 aligned test cases after adjustments in break and build line
- 5ba2906 allow pause and continue while talling logs
- 9bd2b4a allow to brows upwards formatting the previous item
- d475712 bug where index wrapping of ring buffer would yield back incorrect index for index >= buffer.capacity
- 105d094 bug where pause/continue was not propgated to the tailling component
- e15f320 bug: connect->disconnect->connect of beam would not reflect status and block further new subscriber to be added
- a96b436 checkpoint commit before breaking things
- bf709c2 checkpoint commit before breaking things
- dcf2a80 contributing guidelines
- 05a1aeb contributing guidelines: local env, dummy app
- 8fd5ef5 contributor tips
- 4939bf4 corrected buffer.Range func
- 4780f8f docs tab
- 325f0cf don't use viewport for tailing anymore - pager dose the work
- 1912ab2 fix: disable coloring for formatted json strings causing overlay spills for colors
- be3c5fd fix: formatter trimmed beginning in favor of end
- 4478d3b fix: info would move into second line since padding was ignored in width
- d1cc277 fix: on page turn (forward) no item in the background was selected
- 675414a fix: switch from filling buffer to splicing it left 'empty' slots in buffer in cases where written+height >= size
- 2281085 fix: welcome page would show until fully overwritten by logs, replacing init buffer with filled NULL ansi seq
- 661a0dd fixed bug in linewrap and buildline not following width constraint
- b8eeda1 fixed bug: pager.MoveDown would leave on index free on fill-up
- e3193fc formatting implemented in the pager
- fed5867 further improvements to move down one line a page - using strings.Join yield great performance see PR for benchmarks
- 206d3fa ignore pptx files
- 83df9b9 implemented changes from PR 10, loading config from central folder and implementing default color
- 095ae19 include index in logged line
- b305d1e increment info count for beam on message
- adc4d72 init formatted for a giving start index
- 09a57c7 init state of redesign; way more than I thought..
- f0cb404 intial impl of a new log store
- 4db3439 layout of pager and move down function to tail latest pager state
- 8ce824b move down the pager by N where N is the number of new lines in the next ring.Item.Raw string
- 64c8336 moved new line check to read from stream with additional checks on the message
- 00057e1 no way to store and tail logs; beginning of the new impl
- 4e0c7e8 one idea for showing formatted log..??
- 04d282e padding for linewrap
- d65c980 page turn for formatting after reaching last visible item on current page
- 203accb pager did not wait till buffer was will, removed what was added before
- 2c074a8 pager's buffer: each index in the buffer is a line no longer an item; solves the issue with trimming if new lines overflowes pager's sice
- 1d784a7 prevent tab switch while input on borwsing
- ba5548e probability based test application, might be interesting in the future
- 280eb8b propagate ignored keys to active component for processsing; fix: info beam list state issues
- 051d69a propagate tailling pause to info model for status updates
- ca6d9bf re-render pager's buffer/view on tty dim changes
- eb06770 removed code for formatting; will be implemented in different PR
- 57bc266 removed concurreny in test cases; linear indexing for ring.Item.index
- 6f0f533 removed debugs and unneeded code
- 2c8b0f7 removed further indications/left-overs for formatting issue
- 031021f rewrite init para of readme
- 68ce7aa safety commit
- 47e9de5 store formatter to format logs
- 22f2b34 struct field alignment for pager.go
- e7334ae trim pager.raw string to only contain lines which can be visible within the current tty height
- 3be031f typos/grammar readme
- d99db2c updated comments
- bae4c9c updated example files
- b33ae7d updated readme
- 67d5dae way to re-render/compute a pager on tty width/height change
- 5758cd3 wrong formatting for markdown images
- 28ac6c4 Merge pull request #8 from KonstantinGasser/buffer_opt
- bf7aec7 Update
- a74e4ea added filter feature in readme
- 75b19ac allow to add and remove filter without immediate overwrite
- a6130d1 app event space for certain events, correction for welcome page
- ce0a2ae buffer/model naming conventions
- fd1dce9 cleaner names for buffer APIs
- c729e14 cmd to remove filter from status bar
- 7e80fb0 display applied filters
- 3d2112d fix: adding/overwriting filter would show incorrectly in status bar
- c4b120e fix: command line arguments would have been irgnored
- b2b39ca fix: j/k on format caused panic if no filter was set
- c1d385f fix: pager would page down once the page had a delay
- 592977a fixed prompt texts and resets
- 397489f force reload screen asap after filter has been set
- d864212 force reload with latest data/filter from buffer
- 0ce633a ignore filter and format key binding while init || welcome
- 1b0fceb init of buffer filter on read
- d2ae247 item must match at least one condtions to be included
- 6f6720b mv beam into own repo
- 1059c90 prevent quite of input while in init/welcome state
- 324c356 propagate messages to app.status model
- 4153b68 removed old code
- 7ece8bb reset color for unfocued streams, bug where filter would not show
- d262d78 reset filter in status after quite
- 118940e scrolling through filtered logs - skip filtered ones, with a try read on buffer
- 7205fd6 scrolling through filtered logs - skip filtered ones, with a try read on buffer
- 49798c6 simple filter on buffer level
- 545591c status bar alignment with filters
- bc8a4d3 v0.0.2-rc readme thumbnail
- f5f1140 welcome text include filter notes
- c528393 -d flag on beam was working inversed. now by default print to stdout, ignore only when flag is set
- 1db786d Initial commit
- b4a9cfa Merge branch 'main' of
- 8d1358c Merge branch 'main' of
- d1a314b Merge branch 'pre_curr_next_parsed'
- fafdbc6 Merge pull request #1 from KonstantinGasser/pre_curr_next_parsed
- 6dcdc4c Merge pull request #5 from KonstantinGasser/inline_format
- a9c5cf1 Merge pull request #7 from KonstantinGasser/component_separation
- c487e09 Update
- 48403d5 Update
- fc1fdd3 Update
- 8187788 Update
- 4ed891d Update
- 2d941c6 Update
- 8d77c99 Update
- 557e99d Update
- 65bf863 Update
- c9817f8 Update
- 8a00ad0 Update
- f12a591 Update issue templates
- 04d24cf account for label prefix (hidden ansi color codes as well) when splitting line
- 84a1c0b added connected beams to parent pager and propagate new beams connected to footer in order to align log color with beam stats
- 8c7669c adding a border to the logger frame, guess it looks nice...
- bd451a8 adding types for stream messages for better reading in model.Update
- f355a79 adding unsubscribe event/channel whenever a read on a stream hit io.EOF
- 702319e adding version numbers in scotty and beam for ldflags
- 70d5b66 adjust formatted viewport model's width on re-size msg
- cf43194 aligned README image with new design
- ff9cc7b aligned/moved plexer events in app component
- 2df5c28 allow each page to manage its own footer elements, easier to delegate deps and viewport width/height
- 26db8af allow to browse through parsed logs with keys
- 96675cf basic idea, playing around
- 600b478 basic idea, playing around
- fd186b9 basic understanding of how to structure and organise. Playing with unix sockts
- c11a790 beam: initial write up. open unix socket and read and write to connection
- 3c5d8c2 beam: missing io.EOF check for reads
- 55fd1c1 buffer.At comment line
- 3aae804 bug in indent func, issue with not coping buffer item before mutation
- e932f96 bug where dimensions of pager would be set incorectly
- 819b06f bug where log count was reset for more then one item on-subscribe
- e42cb6d bug: rendering of welcome text height without accounting for footer hight
- 07eaab3 cases for errors and msgs for footer status bar info
- e213900 clustered page functions when browsing through the logs. buffer rename APIs
- f573f99 command input model for pager.Logger
- 1cc9b54 comments and keystrok switch case
- 5fc2f3f continue tailing logs until formatting of item is requested
- 31a0220 delete of file for gitignore
- 446b4d6 deleted random files
- 49ffeef deleted unused files, renaming from Logger -> Pager
- e833e22 don't reset stream count in footer after disconnect
- 8419661 dummy scotty to read logs, sync message from beam -> scotty
- 67d7efe enable correct init view when starting scotty
- d850913 experimental split func to wrap log lines longer then tty width
- 078e76e fallback to init WindowSizeMsg instead of C call - buggy for release build
- 099f760 falling back to thrid party lib for word wrapping
- 788415f first integration of parsed log output
- 3402ab8 first mvp of line brows and jump back to log view
- d9e5576 fixed bug where footer failed to display stream information if more the one stream was connected
- dbdb31c fixed bug where single new line was added in the splitfunc
- e101c5d fixed formatting bug where lines which where highlighted would include empty spaces and new line chars at the end
- 042fada fixed naming convention from command to formatter
- 9097f01 fixed texts in welcome page
- 9e97357 fixed width of line wrap. Lines would wrap even though there was space left to write at
- 4d2e6eb formatted box design
- 5c09238 further details for storing logs: idea about an append-log for refs for quicker access of N logs accross M tables ordered by arraival at scotty
- 5e92d77 further thoughts about how to store the logs
- 3a8e443 generic ring buffer; starting with benchmarks for different options
- 4cd7939 grammar fix in welcome page
- d96111c helper for render of offset - fixed render issue on re-size msg
- 737f1e9 hightlight selected item while formatting - still buggy and wrong thou
- 01642cd idea for the readme
- a5e6ed7 ignore *.test files
- f9f6603 ignore file would ignore go file...
- bd30184 ignore j/k keys to not display them in the input box
- aad124c ignore k,j keystrokes in command.textinput.Model, switched k,j to be mapped correctly
- a38b115 ignore pprof gen profiles
- df44388 ignore test beam build
- 399c362 improvded error messages for beam
- 721b001 indent log line start depending on longest beam label connected
- 67f29cc indication when new msgs arrived but in format mode
- c6d7cbd init separation of app / pager / formatter
- 448cf7f initial implementation of reading from beams, and communicating the events
- 0776262 integrate input in pager model for formatting index input
- 58d3157 integrated tailing of logs with app module
- cf29933 integration of formatter in app module, triggered by :index
- ad901f2 integration of initial log tail view after stream connects
- 94cfb3e isolated welcomeView and reduce complexity in app.App
- cc913c7 listen for input key and implemented textinput field in app module
- 316f6aa loading animation after beam streams logs
- 080b5a3 log tailing view: still trying to wrap my head around tea.Viewport...
- d71e536 log view design and alignments on width and height
- 6a8f5a8 map log count to stream with custom bg/fg color
- 5f295ef merge conflict
- e65e554 messed up ignore file
- 6a931a0 missing cmd after plexer.BeamMessage was read from the channel
- 19d9f79 missing suffix new line for sync message cause read of snyc to fail, footer info about connected streams
- ff057a8 module for log processor, segregation of module model/sock/processor via interfaces
- 609173a more elaborate scotty states for views
- 1afe035 moved away from c binding for init window size; init model with init WindowSizeMsg from bubbletea
- 8062fd0 moved key binding q to exit formatting mode not application
- f9dc1aa moved label flag from beam to os.Arg for ease of use
- 87009bb multiplexer for streams
- 76976d0 new concept after understanding parts better
- efb2774 next to rb.Seek rb.Tail api has been added
- 0dcc443 not using HighPerformanceRendering for viewport due to a lack of understanding...
- e5e778d offset for welcome as off causing the welcomeView to shift down
- 393b69e only use esc and ctr+c to quite scotty, allows the usage of q in other places of the app
- 66a17dc outsource json formatting to include color coded formatted output
- 86300e2 page up and down when browsing through the logs - took me a while and it's not perfect..give me a moment
- 7c68e37 parse previous or next log line using arrow keys
- 418f970 parse requested log line
- f5a0eda playaround logic for page switch when formatting logs line by line
- 6c2e6b2 playing around with a ring buffer as a potential option to store logs with a capped mem limit
- ea1d315 playing around with width and height of models to make them work - good I miss css...
- bc47ad2 prevent duplicated stream labels on multiplexer level
- 7f22d28 print log line with index prefix of the buffer for command input reference
- 306f684 propagate plexer.Message event to footer for log counts
- 9e94175 react to beam EOF - propagate event to footer and remove the beam information
- 8bf88bc readme disclaimer for panics
- 42003ec readme structure. stashing so far written code (was just for testing/playing)
- 7cc01ae readme: installation, how to pipe stdout/stderr, section about stream labels
- 7e914dd reconnecting a stream again caused an issue in the multiplexer due to missing out to remove the map value on-unsubscribe
- 9e48f8a reduced channel dependencies between socket and client connection
- 72fd85c removed *.test file
- 52dc2e1 removed box style from footer and command input
- 2f6a520 removed scrollUp func and test - no use yet
- 99fdde2 removed test function used for a test benchmark
- 6b9689f removing testing store code and ring buffer testing, adding new ring buffer
- 2299e4a ring buffer don't write zero byte slices when window > write-head
- 20fd710 ring buffer integrated in pager including windowing of incoming messages
- e3243b7 ring buffer scroll up by a delta N, required for mouse scrolling
- 2c7b9f8 separating store components
- f768625 set welcome view as default again
- 6ec7b0b show start of offset content when selecting an index. fixing couple of further bugs which came up
- 1dc7c5b spend way too much time for the welcome page, anyway welcome page included in commit
- de82840 start of applying filter on streams
- 5e89c3a start of command input to select and parse specific log line
- 0c672cb still waiting for the guest...
- d3fe358 store: core of capture and tailing of logs using rb
- c172334 styles for footer elements
- 42e77f5 sub module would not add new go file
- cfca72f switch case comments for key storkes
- d1eb56e sync browsing of logs with log view using offset of buffer
- 3da51b7 sync message from beam now in JSON format
- 0bf8b45 teaser img for readme
- 17e7b7a teaser img for readme
- b95a457 test and benchmark strings.Builder vs. bytes.Buffer, bytes for the win. Changed Buildler to buffer
- 9ec2b9c testing with components, header and footer
- c7b51bd testing/playing around with bubbletea, understanding background tasks/updates in tea
- d2571ab thoughts about how to store the logs
- ee0c6d8 too little coffee..I forgot we start counting at 0
- d3de3be unclutted logic in subscribe of beam in pager model
- 8c7012c updated benchmarks to use new line wrap func for windowing
- 2b42f30 updated go-releaser
- 434951c updated go-releaser download strategy
- 31015ec updated ignore file
- dcb5327 updated ignore file
- cd9c07d use plain net.Conn interface over io.ReadCloser to allow Set...