- Description
- Contact
- Prerequisites
- Package Installation
- Quick Start
- Usage
- Classes and Methods Description
- Unit Tests
A Python 3 library for ifm efector O2x5xx 2D sensors (O2D5xx / O2I5xx).
In case of any issues or if you want to report a bug please contact our support team or create an issue in the Github repository.
Usage of examples requires packages listed in the requirements.txt file. Install the packages with
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
In an industrial production it is normally not possible to install packages from an online package manager. Thereforem you can first download the packages on your personal machine with i-net access with following command
$ pip wheel -r requirements.txt -w ./packages
and after that you can move that project with downloaded packages and install the package offline with following command
$ pip install --no-index --find-links ./packages -r requirements.txt
You can install this project/package in your native python or virtualenv with following command:
$ python setup.py install
After installation, you can import the package and clients from other projects, described in chapter Usage.
For a quick start, go to the examples
folder and run the output_recorder.py example with your device's IP address
to record the asynchronous PCIC output for 3600 seconds and save the output into myFile.txt:
$ python output_recorder.py myFile.txt 3600
If you want to record the asynchronous PCIC output endless and save the output into myFile.txt, use following example:
$ python output_recorder.py myFile.txt -1
For vizualizing the image(s) data coming from the camera (requires matplotlib) use following example. Each image will be show in an own window:
$ python image_viewer.py
The library currently provides clients for the PCIC and RPC interface. You can decide which class with associated functionality is best suited for your intended application. The device clients V1 and V2 differ only in the architecture and not in the scope of functions. We recommend using the Device client V2, which includes the full range of functions.
- Create it with following example:
device_pcic = O2x5xxPCICDevice(address="", port=50010)
providing the device's address and PCIC port.
- Create it with
device_rpc = O2x5xxRPCDevice(address="")
providing the device's address.
- Create it with
device = o2x5xx.O2x5xxDevice(address="", port=50010)
providing the device's address and PCIC port. - Send PCIC commands with e.g.
answer = device.occupancy_of_application_list()
. - Send RPC commands with e.g.
params = device.rpc.get_all_parameters()
- Create it with
device = o2x5xx.O2x5xxDeviceV2(address="", port=50010)
providing the device's address and PCIC port. - Send PCIC commands with e.g.
answer = device.pcic.occupancy_of_application_list()
. - Send RPC commands with e.g.
params = device.rpc.get_all_parameters()
- Create it with
image_viewer = o2x5xx.ImageClient(address="", port=50010)
. - It configures a PCIC connection to receive all images from the application.
- Read back the next result (a list with header information and dictionary
containing all the images) with
result = pcic.readNextFrame()
├── O2x5xxPCICDevice (object)
├── activate_application(number)
├── occupancy_of_application_list()
├── upload_process_interface_output_configuration(config)
├── retrieve_current_process_interface_configuration()
├── request_current_error_state()
├── request_current_error_state_decoded()
├── gated_software_trigger_on_or_off()
├── request_device_information()
├── return_a_list_of_available_commands()
├── request_last_image_taken(image_id)
├── request_last_image_taken_deserialized(image_id, datatype)
├── overwrite_data_of_a_string(container_id, data)
├── read_string_from_defined_container()
├── return_the_current_session_id()
├── set_logic_state_of_an_id(io_id, data)
├── request_state_of_an_id(io_id)
├── turn_process_interface_output_on_or_off(state)
├── request_current_decoding_statistics()
├── execute_asynchronous_trigger()
├── execute_synchronous_trigger()
├── set_current_protocol_version(version)
├── request_current_protocol_version()
├── turn_state_of_view_indicator_on_or_off(state, duration)
└── execute_currently_configured_button_functionality()
To communicate and to configure the device via XML-RPC the XML-RPC commands have to use different XML-RPC objects. Different commands need different XML-RPC objects (see XML-RPC command references).
The interface of O3D3xx is structured in an object-oriented way. Some of the objects are available all the time, others are only available after bringing the device into a special mode by calling a method on an already available object. This mechanism is used to create system requirements (e.g. password protection).
It could be necessary to send heartbeats so that there will be no session timeout. The following diagram should give an overview how objects are related to each other and which methods must be called to make others available:
├── Main API (object) (O2x5xxRPCDevice)
├── getParameter(value)
├── getAllParameters()
├── getSWVersion()
├── getHWInfo()
├── getDmesgData()
├── getClientCompatibilityList()
├── getApplicationList()
├── reboot(mode)
├── switchApplication(applicationIndex)
├── getTraceLogs(nLogs)
├── getApplicationStatisticData(applicationIndex)
├── getReferenceImage()
├── isConfigurationDone()
├── waitForConfigurationDone()
├── measure(measureInput)
├── trigger()
├── doPing()
└── requestSession(password, sessionID)
└── Session (object)
├── @property
│ ├── OperatingMode
│ └── edit
├── startEdit()
├── stopEdit()
├── heartbeat(heartbeatInterval)
├── doAutoHeartbeat()
├── cancelSession()
├── exportConfig()
├── importConfig(config, global_settings, network_settings, applications)
├── exportApplication(applicationIndex)
├── importApplication(application)
├── getImportProgress()
├── getExportProgress()
├── cleanupExport()
├── getApplicationDetails(applicationIndex)
├── resetStatistics()
├── writeApplicationConfigFile(applicationName, data)
├── writeConfigFile(configName, data)
├── readApplicationConfigFile(applicationFile)
├── readConfigFile(configFile)
└── setOperatingMode(mode)
└── Edit (object)
├── @property
│ └── application
├── stopEditingApplication()
├── createApplication()
├── copyApplication(applicationIndex)
├── deleteApplication(applicationIndex)
├── changeNameAndDescription(applicationIndex, name, description)
├── moveApplications(applicationIndexFrom, applicationIndexTo)
└── editApplication(applicationIndex)
└── Application (object)
├── @property
│ ├── Type
│ ├── Name
│ ├── Description
│ ├── TriggerMode
│ ├── FrameRate
│ ├── HWROI
│ ├── Rotate180Degree
│ ├── FocusDistance
│ └── ImageEvaluationOrder
├── getAllParameters()
├── getParameter(value)
├── getAllParameterLimits()
├── save()
├── validate()
├── getImagerConfigList()
├── availableImagerConfigTypes()
├── createImagerConfig()
├── copyImagerConfig()
├── deleteImagerConfig()
├── isConfigurationDone()
├── waitForConfigurationDone()
└── editImage(imageIndex)
└── Imager (object)
├── @property
│ ├── ImageQualityCheckConfig (object)
│ │ ├── @property
│ │ ├── enabled(value)
│ │ ├── sharpness_thresholdMinMax(inputDict)
│ │ ├── meanBrightness_thresholdMinMax(inputDict)
│ │ ├── underexposedArea_thresholdMinMax(inputDict)
│ │ └── overexposedArea_thresholdMinMax(inputDict)
│ ├── Type
│ ├── Name
│ ├── Illumination
│ ├── IlluInternalSegments
│ ├── Color
│ ├── ExposureTime
│ ├── AnalogGainFactor
│ ├── FilterType
│ ├── FilterStrength
│ └── FilterInvert
├── getAllParameters()
├── getParameter(value)
├── getAllParameterLimits()
├── startCalculateExposureTime()
├── getProgressCalculateExposureTime()
├── startCalculateAutofocus()
├── stopCalculateAutofocus()
├── getProgressCalculateAutofocus()
├── getAutofocusDistances()
└── getAutoExposureResult()
For testing the source code you have to enter the IP address and TCP/IP port number in the tests\config.py file. Afterward, you can simply run all tests with following commands from project root:
$ python -m unittest discover -vvv
You can run the tests for the PCIC and RPC modules separately with following commands:
$ python -m unittest tests/test_pcic.py -vvv
$ python -m unittest tests/test_rpc.py -vvv
$ python -m unittest tests/test_session.py -vvv
$ python -m unittest tests/test_edit.py -vvv
$ python -m unittest tests/test_application.py -vvv
$ python -m unittest tests/test_imager.py -vvv
$ python -m unittest tests/test_imageQualityCheck.py -vvv