NEW: .ani import support for GunZ 1 versions: 0x0012, 0x1001, 0x1002 and 0x1003
Animations become Actions, manage them with the Timeline or Dopesheet areas, combine them using NLA tracks
Per-object visibility is controlled through the object's viewport alpha channel (Object -> Viewport Display -> Color)
Bone type: Animates the selected armature's bones, disconnects bones to allow translation, controls bone position and rotation, but not scale
TM type: Controls object world space matrices, supports scaling but does not support parenting
Vertex type: Adds absolute mode shape keys, animates by keying Evaluation Time, may fail for meshes with duplicate or overlapping vertices
NEW: .nav import & export support
When exporting, automatically triangulates quads and ngons however, users should do so manually for best results
When exporting, selected mesh must be manifold
NEW: Material guidelines for .elu export have been simplified, see the GitHub readme!
NEW: Reconfigured shader nodes and implemented material presets
NEW: Added material info to the Realspace panel
Simplified texture searching, renamed 'Smart' texture mode to 'Brute'
Implicit effects now control additive rendering ('ef' and 'ef ' prefixes)
Sky objects no longer catch rays ('obj_sky_' and 'obj_ef_sky' prefixes)
Mesh nodes beginning with "Dummy" are now treated as bones
You can’t perform that action at this time.