An application that is thoughtfully designed to assist users in classifying Indonesian cultural elements, such as batik, traditional food, and houses, goes beyond its informative purpose by actively contributing to the advancement of local businesses (UMKM). By providing detailed explanations about these cultural aspects, the application equips local businesses with a valuable resource to effectively showcase their products and services in an authentic and culturally relevant manner, thereby enhancing their competitiveness in the market.
This repository contains our Flask API code that are made using Python. We also have our .h5 model in this repository. Thesemodels are important in our application to classify the batik, traditional food, and traditional house.
- Alfiano Deni Kusuma (M314DKX4547) - Universitas Pertahanan Republik Indonesia
- Ammar Widhianta (M172DSX1766) - Universitas Gunadarma