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Max_levels tests
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Kuroneer committed Mar 24, 2020
1 parent c850759 commit 4523170
Showing 1 changed file with 71 additions and 0 deletions.
71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions test/jiffy_18_decode_levels_tests.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
% This file is part of Jiffy released under the MIT license.
% See the LICENSE file for more information.



decode_levels_test_() ->
MaxOptMaxLevels = 4,
Cases = [
<<"[[[[]],\"foo\"], [\"bar\", []], [\"baz\"], [[], 1]]">>,
<<"{\"foo\":{},\"bar\":{\"baz\":[1,2,3], \"foo2\":{}}}">>
{"Test max_levels", lists:map(fun(Json) ->
EJson = jiffy:decode(Json, [{max_levels, MaxLevels} | Opts]),
FullEJson = to_full_json(EJson, MaxLevels, Opts),
?_assertEqual(jiffy:decode(Json, Opts), FullEJson)
end || MaxLevels <- lists:seq(1, MaxOptMaxLevels), Opts <- generate_options_groups()]
end, Cases)}.

generate_options_groups() -> generate_options_groups([return_maps, copy_strings]).
generate_options_groups() -> generate_options_groups([copy_strings]).

generate_options_groups(AvailableOptions) ->
generate_options_groups(AvailableOptions, [[]]).
generate_options_groups([], Acc) ->
generate_options_groups([Option | AvailableOptions], Acc) ->
generate_options_groups(AvailableOptions, [[Option | Group] || Group <- Acc] ++ Acc).

to_full_json(Val, MaxDepth, DecodeOptions) ->
to_full_json(Val, 0, MaxDepth, DecodeOptions).
to_full_json(_Val, Depth, MaxDepth, _DecodeOptions) when Depth > MaxDepth ->
to_full_json({json, ValueBin}, Depth, MaxDepth, DecodeOptions) ->
MaxDepth = Depth,
true = is_binary(ValueBin),
ByteSize = byte_size(ValueBin),
case lists:member(copy_strings, DecodeOptions) of
true ->
ByteSize = binary:referenced_byte_size(ValueBin);
_ ->
true = ByteSize < binary:referenced_byte_size(ValueBin)
jiffy:decode(ValueBin, DecodeOptions);
to_full_json({Pairs}, Depth, MaxDepth, DecodeOptions) when is_list(Pairs) ->
{[{K, to_full_json(V, Depth+1, MaxDepth, DecodeOptions)} || {K, V} <- Pairs]};
to_full_json(Vals, Depth, MaxDepth, DecodeOptions) when is_list(Vals) ->
[to_full_json(V, Depth+1, MaxDepth, DecodeOptions) || V <- Vals];
to_full_json(Val, Depth, MaxDepth, DecodeOptions) ->
maybe_map(Val, Depth, MaxDepth, DecodeOptions).

maybe_map(Obj, Depth, MaxDepth, DecodeOptions) when is_map(Obj) ->
maps:map(fun(_K, V) -> to_full_json(V, Depth+1, MaxDepth, DecodeOptions) end, Obj);
maybe_map(Val, _Depth, _MaxDepth, _DecodeOptions) ->
maybe_map(Val, _Depth, _MaxDepth, _DecodeOptions) ->

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