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The pycanlib package is a Python wrapper for Kvaser CANlib SDK.


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canlib - a Python wrapper for Kvaser CANlib

Supported Libraries and Installation

The Python canlib module wraps the Kvaser CANlib API in order to make it easy to control most aspects of any Kvaser CAN interface. For more information about Kvaser please go to

The latest version of this package is available on the Kvaser Download page (

Supported platforms

Windows and Linux using Python v3.6+ (both 32 and 64 bit).

Supported libraries

The following libraries are currently supported:

Library Module Windows Linux
CANlib canlib.canlib canlib32.dll
kvaMemoLibXML canlib.kvamemolibxml kvaMemoLibXML.dll
kvrlib canlib.kvrlib kvrlib.dll, irisdll.dll, irisflash.dll, libxml2.dll not supported
kvmlib canlib.kvmlib kvaMemoLib0600.dll, kvaMemoLib0700.dll, kvaMemoLib.dll, kvmlib.dll not supported, [2],,
kvlclib canlib.kvlclib kvlclib.dll [1]
kvaDbLib canlib.kvadblib kvaDbLib.dll
LINlib canlib.linlib linlib.dll
[1]The kvlclib.dll depends on dll files from matlab wich are installed alongside kvlclib.dll.
[2]The kvaMemoLib0600.dll, which supports older devices, is not supported under Linux.


Install the Python package from PyPI using e.g. pip:

$ pip install canlib

If you have downloaded the package zip file from the Kvaser Download page, first unzip Then navigate to the unzipped pycanlib using the command line. It should contain the file canlib-x.y.z-py2.py3-none-any.whl, where x,y,z are version numbers. Run the following command:

$ pip install canlib-x.y.z-py2.py3-none-any.whl

The Kvaser CANlib DLLs or shared libraries also need to be installed:


On Windows, first install the canlib32.dll by downloading and installing "Kvaser Drivers for Windows" which can be found on the Kvaser Download page (kvaser_drivers_setup.exe) This will also install kvrlib.dll, irisdll.dll, irisflash.dll and libxml2.dll used by kvrlib.

The "Kvaser CANlib SDK" also needs to be downloaded from the same place (canlib.exe) and installed if more than just CANlib will be used. This will install the rest of the supported library dll's.

The two packages, "Kvaser Drivers for Windows" and "Kvaser CANlib SDK", contains both 32 and 64 bit versions of the included dll's.


On Linux, first install the by downloading and installing "Kvaser LINUX Driver and SDK" which can be found on the Kvaser Download page (linuxcan.tar.gz).

If more than just CANlib will be used, the rest of the supported libraries will be available by downloading and installing "Linux SDK library" (kvlibsdk.tar.gz).


Example of using canlib to list some information about connected Kvaser devices:

from canlib import canlib

num_channels = canlib.getNumberOfChannels()
print(f"Found {num_channels} channels")
for ch in range(num_channels):
    chd = canlib.ChannelData(ch)
    print(f"{ch}. {chd.channel_name} ({chd.card_upc_no} / {chd.card_serial_no})")

Which may result in:

Found 4 channels
0. Kvaser Memorator Pro 2xHS v2 (channel 0) (73-30130-00819-9 / 12330)
1. Kvaser Memorator Pro 2xHS v2 (channel 1) (73-30130-00819-9 / 12330)
2. Kvaser Virtual CAN Driver (channel 0) (00-00000-00000-0 / 0)
3. Kvaser Virtual CAN Driver (channel 1) (00-00000-00000-0 / 0)


You are invited to visit the Kvaser web pages at If you don't find what you are looking for, you can obtain support on a time-available basis by sending an e-mail to [email protected].

Bug reports, contributions, suggestions for improvements, and similar things are much appreciated and can be sent by e-mail to [email protected].

What's new

A complete set of release notes are available in the package documentation included in the zip file available at the Kvaser Download page.



This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.