- One of the MetaComp requirements udpated its version (cowplot) broken the EDGE installation: update R version from 3.2.2 to 3.3.2 and MetaComp from v1.1 to v1.2
- Separate auto-run feature from edge_info into a cronjob.
- Fix bugs: max_num_jobs, path of rig run, module tests
- Override cpu usage from config
- Add select all checkbox for the project page
- NCBI is moving from http to https for security and privacy improvement which caused SRA download feature failed. We have updated our script to accommondate the change. In addition, if it failed to download from NCBI-SRA, it will try EBI-ENA and DDBJ.
- The thirdparty tools now include R3.3.2 and Blast+2.5.0.
- ftp://ftp.lanl.gov/public/genome/EDGE/1.5/edge_v1.5_thirdParty_softwares.tgz