CaptchaCam is a command-line tool for controlling the camera and capturing images. It allows adjusting various parameters, such as delay before capturing, the filename of the captured image, choosing the camera by name or number, and much more.
The tool uses the following commands and parameters:
--delay <delay> Sets the delay (in seconds) before the camera starts taking pictures. [default: 0]
--filename <filename> Sets the filename (as a string) of the image. [default: image]
--devname <devname> Specifies the camera name.
--devnum <devnum> Sets the camera number. [default: 0]
--devlist Lists all available cameras. [default: false]
--quiet Enables or disables the output. [default: false]
--debug Enables debug mode. [default: false]
--update Updates the program. [default: false]
--selfupdate Updates the program. [default: false]
To install this tool, you'll need Rust and Cargo. You can build it directly from the source code by running the following command:
cargo build --release
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