A modification for MinecraftForge, to add MMO stuff to Minecraft. Intended to be used on LCLPServer 5.0.
Read the installation instructions
Of course, you can also implement LCLPMMO in your project. Just keep in mind that the mod is intended to be used on the official LCLPServer 5.0 Minecraft server.
To implement it, just add this repositories to your build.gradle:
repositories {
maven { url 'https://repo.repsy.io/mvn/gandiber/geckolib' } // required by LCLPMMO
maven { url 'https://repo.lclpnet.work/repository/internal' }
Now add the following dependencies:
dependencies {
implementation fg.deobf("work.lclpnet.mods:CoreBase:VERSION_COREBASE") // required by LCLPMMO
implementation fg.deobf("work.lclpnet.mods:LCLPMMO:VERSION")
implementation fg.deobf("software.bernie.geckolib:geckolib-forge-VERSION_MC:VERSION_GECKOLIB") // required by LCLPMMO
You need to replace VERSION
with the version you want to use.
To see all versions available, you can check the repository.
Please note that VERSION_COREBASE
should match the version required of your target LCLPMMO build. To find the correct version, please check the gradle.properties file, in which the corebase_version
specifies the required version. Just keep in mind to find the correct commit if you are not using the latest version.
The same thing applies to VERSION_MC
just check them in the gradle.properties
of the target LCLPMMO commit.