This repository hosts the tools to provide a long term telescope throughput monitoring service. The components are:
- python code to cross-match source catalogs from BANZAI-reduced images with the PANSTARRS catalog and derive a photometric zeropoint. The zeropoint is written into a database.
- python code to analyze the content of the zeropoint database and create a number of plots .
- read-only access to LCO archive mount at /archive
- read-only access to a local copy of the Atlas refcat2 catalog
- This is available at fsfs.lco.gtn:/data/AstroCatalogs/Atlas-refcat2/
- read/write access to a directory that will contain
- The database file itself
- mirror throughput model files, trend plots (pngs), and a html file gluing it all together.
- ideally, this directory is the only one mounted with write permission. goal is to contain write access
An example way to run a photometric calibration is provided in the deploy/ script.
To calculate the photometric zeropoint of a set of images:
$ python3 -h
usage: [-h] [--log-level {DEBUG,INFO}] [--ps1dir PS1DIR]
[--diagnosticplotsdir OUTPUTIMAGEROOTDIR]
[--photodb IMAGEDBPREFIX] [--imagerootdir ROOTDIR]
[--site SITE] [--mintexp MINTEXP] [--redo]
[--preview] [--date DATE [DATE ...] | --lastNdays
[--camera CAMERA | --cameratype {fs,fl,kb} | --crawldirectory CRAWLDIRECTORY]
Determine photometric zeropoint of banzai-reduced LCO imaging data.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--log-level {DEBUG,INFO}
Set the log level
--ps1dir PS1DIR Directory of PS1 catalog
--diagnosticplotsdir OUTPUTIMAGEROOTDIR
Output directory for diagnostic photometry plots. No
plots generated if option is omitted. This is a time
consuming task.
Result output directory. .db file is written here
--imagerootdir ROOTDIR
LCO archive root directory
--site SITE sites code for camera
--mintexp MINTEXP Minimum exposure time to accept
--date DATE [DATE ...]
Specific date to process.
--lastNdays LASTNDAYS
--camera CAMERA specific camera to process.
--cameratype {fs,fl,kb}
camera type to process at selected sites to process.
--crawldirectory CRAWLDIRECTORY
process all reduced image in specific directoy
To interpret the resulting database:
$ python3 -h
usage: [-h] [--log_level {DEBUG,INFO}]
[--outputdirectory IMAGEDBPREFIX]
[--database DATABASE] [--site SITE]
[--telescope TELESCOPE] [--filter {gp,rp,ip,zp}]
[--testdb] [--importold]
Calculate long-term trends in photometric database.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--log_level {DEBUG,INFO}
Set the debug level
--outputdirectory IMAGEDBPREFIX
Directory containing photometryc databases
--database DATABASE
--site SITE sites code for camera
--telescope TELESCOPE
Telescope id. written inform enclosure-telescope,
e.g., "domb-1m0a"
--filter {gp,rp,ip,zp}
Which filter to process.
This script will automatically save files to an AWS S3 Bucket if the following environment variables are defined:
Environment Variable | Description |
AWS Access Key |
AWS Secret Key |
AWS S3 Bucket Name |
AWS S3 Bucket Region (us-west-2) |
If the variables are not defined, this software will save files to the local disk on the filesystem path defined by the user's command line arguments.
This project is built automatically by the LCO Jenkins Server. Please see the Jenkinsfile for further details.
This project is deployed to the LCO Kubernetes Cluster. Please see the LCO Helm Charts Repository for further details.