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2017 05 22.md
- Moderator/Gatekeeper: Arwen & Christina
- Notetaker: TBD
- Connection information: Meeting Link is https://stanford.zoom.us/j/626468296 or click
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- A. Soroka, Smithsonian Institution
- Ryan Johnson, UC San Diego
- Arwen Hutt, UC San Diego
- Brian Tingle, CDL
- Tim Hill
- Chrissy Rissmeyer
- Rob Sanderson
- Arcadia Falcone
- Christina Harlow
- Josh Greben
- Susanne Pilsk
- Darsi Rueda
- Theo ?
- Julie Hardesty
- Gary Reser
- Kirk Hess
- Ryan Johnson
- Quick Introductions of Members
- Introduction to this Group
- Recon WG Work Areas
- Review, Add, & Discuss
- List of existing reconciliation tools & a comparison of them
- @ajs6f: Perhaps we could move this later in the agenda? I don't see how we can make a useful list without having identified common use cases.
- @cmh2166: Not the point of this in the agenda, i.e., we're not doing that work, but outlining possible work areas for the group.
- Pilsks: Does anyone know anything about this list? http://rd-alliance.github.io/metadata-directory/tools/ or this list: https://github.com/rd-alliance/metadata-catalog-dev/tree/master/db/tools
- @cmh2166: Nope, but could be interesting places to start/pull into our work (if we go this route)
- @ajs6f: Perhaps we could move this later in the agenda? I don't see how we can make a useful list without having identified common use cases.
- Identify common reconciliation use cases
- Develop flexible (modular perhaps?) abstract workflow models for use cases
- Create functional requirements for shared workflow components
- Set of leveled (i.e. simplest to complex) reconciliation and matching algorithms for common reconciliation cases & data types (i.e. going from label look-ups based off various string matching algorithms to contextual data matching based off of string and other data type matching algorithms for multiple fields attached to a resource)
- Work on light-weight tools for certain needs listed above to make proof of concepts or support intermediate work & review
- (Meta) Model for LD4 / Other blackbox LODLAM efforts in community engagement & work
- List of existing reconciliation tools & a comparison of them
- Select / Prioritize
- Start of Work Planning
- Review, Add, & Discuss
- Recon WG Logistics
- Calls
- Communication (outside of calls)
- Working Space
- Questions, Comments, Issues
- Confirm Next Call
- C. Harlow
- A. Hutt (common workflows)
- A. Soroka (data repository, get more from links, dicipline specific vocabularies, large scale database for reuse)
- B. Tingle (here to listen)
- C. Rissmeyer (community solutions / tools / workflows / work together to leverage linked data)
- G. Reser (make day to day work more efficient, gnarly issues)
- J. Hardesty (avalon / hydra-fedora ; focus in on migration (ie Fedora 3 to Fedora 4) / automation in migration workflow)
- K. Hess (experience with matching at LoC)
- plisks (susanne) deals with weird data streams
- R. Sanderson (NER/strings-to-thing or thing to thing -- wants services that resolve identity w/o NER; work together vs do your own thing, no silo)
- R. Johnson (enity resolution with scripts and local services / looking to make that less siloed)
- Theodore (metadata librarian, Russian Architecture linked data current project / 3 people working part time on the dataset)
- T. Hill (gets lots URIs in Europeana, but not always sure what they mean / sharing authority files)
- Darcy (ILS / linked data, contribute to something community based)
- Arcadia
- J. Greben (library systems programmer / converting records or new records)
Introduction to this Group -- one of the first LD4* community meetings, what does it mean to start moving into linked data.
scope -- will decide today
timeframe -- one year good target
frequency of call -- will decide today / or once we have a better idea of the work / once or twice a month for ~30 mins
in stanford slack (ping harlow if you need to get on slack team)
email list? not sure yet
http://recurse.com/manual#sub-sec-social-rules <-- ground rules from recurse center
What do we want to work on?
- list of tools
- yelp for dataservices and datasets
- common use cases (user stories and analysis) (Cornell has some stub use cases)
- workflow models for use cases / what can be made generic?
- functional requirements for workflows
- algorithem development (MARC 650 could be resolved with xyz points / foaf agent, bibframe agent, here is a subgraph)
- lightweight tools [- meta model for community engagement]
think of maintenance costs (ie for list of tools)
w/r/t tools, Europeana has very hetrogenous data, if it works them, will work for anyone?
reach out to dp.la?
Start with a list of tools? Use cases? Dive into algo?
Start with id-ing common use cases as a group (with short timeline, expressed in a common way / or start with general ones and make more specific)/ then split --> algo --> workflow then; come around and eval tools
any effective algo will be tied to data source / LCNAF will use a diff algo than getty ULAN (both about people, but different semantics and data structures) Elephant: library or generality // some grey area with NER algo that are not tied to data source -- what do we mean by algo? script I can run? or more abastract. A framework that uses different algos
Where do libraries have divergent needs from the general case?
Would it be helpfull to have evaluation rubric/criteria for tools as a work product (vs writing tools)?
- on-going: make sure work is not limited to libraries
- set & start short timeline for use cases
- Christina will look for Islandora use cases as starting point for this
- Arwen + Christina will review set up then email group for input
- Group: give input on use case structure then contribute use cases
- meet again in two weeks, time TBD: Christina will set up / email out
- look at workflows: follows use cases
- start looking at how we perform matching: follows use cases