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2017 07

Christina Harlow edited this page Jul 3, 2017 · 7 revisions

LD4 Community Reconciliation Working Group Call

  • Moderator/Gatekeeper: Christina + Arwen
  • Notetaker: Christina
  • Connection information: Meeting Link is or click Details below for more connection information (calling in, mobile connections, international numbers, etc.)
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll):  +14086380968,386303946# or +16465588656,386303946#

Or Telephone:
    Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)
    +886 277 417 473 (Taiwan Toll)
    +1 855 703 8985 (Canada Toll Free)
    Meeting ID: 386 303 946
    International numbers available:

Or an H.323/SIP room system:
    H.323: (US West) (US East) (China) (India) (EMEA) (Australia) (Hong Kong)
    Meeting ID: 386 303 946

    SIP: [email protected]


Christina, Arwen, Shlomo, Kirk



  • Use Case Gathering
    • Craft a call to send out to public channels
    • Generate a few use cases on the call
  • Questions, Comments, Issues
  • Confirm Next Call


  • Call to public channels, will help generate more details + cases
  • Questions: Can use cases include "back-tracing" use cases that drive some existing services?
    • Seems useful, lets us know what exists
    • Call for other interface like Google Forms? Email conveners if an issue?
    • Email is questions or don't want to use github > add that to
    • Add line for existing services sharing as well
  • Write up email to various listservs or other communication channels
    • list / table of communication channels for who will email where
    • Arwen + Christina will coordinate this offline
    • Deadline for collection/contribution is end of July
    • Link to group description, link to definitions, link to issues (has a link to examples in template), email addresses if you don't want to use github or have questions, and date that collection ends.
    • standard wide collection of use cases or existing service, anything remotely related is helpful, yadda yadda
    • output will be shared out in github.

Action Items

  • Everyone is encouraged to add use cases before our next call on July 3rd, they can be brief, long, specific, general, etc.
  • Arwen + Christina will write up email + first pass of emailing out call for use cases
  • Update template per emails for folks who don't want to use GitHub