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Template Metadata

michelleif edited this page Jul 18, 2021 · 6 revisions

When you create a template, you have to add some data about the template itself: this is the template metadata. Template metadata consists of:

  • Template ID
  • Class
  • Template Label
  • Author
  • Remark
  • Date

Below are tips on filling in each metadata field.

Template ID

  • Enter a unique ID to identifty the template.
  • The Template ID will be displayed on the Resource Templates tab in the Label/ID column, and will be searchable there.
  • Template ID is required.
  • It needs to be in the form *:* or *:*:* or event *:*:*:* where * is any string, except spaces. So a template name could be my:template or my:new:template or my:new:best:template. Do not use spaces! Unfortunately, Sinopia does not warn you if you use spaces, or if your template ID doesn't conform to the *:* pattern, but if you use a non-conforming Template ID, there will be unexpected and hard-to-diagnose problems (such as not being able to find your template and not being able to successfully nest it in another template).
  • The Sinopia Profiles Working Group's Best Practices for Profiles document, while written for an earlier version of Sinopia, has additional guidelines for the best way to select a Template ID.


  • Enter the URI of the Class of the "thing" that will be cataloged by this template.
  • The Class will be displayed on the Resource Templates tab in the Resource URI column, and will be searchable there.
  • Class is required.
  • Sinopia does enforce that this value has to be a URI.
  • You can use any class from any ontology. Actually you can put any URI at all here. Sinopia does not check that it's actually a class from an ontology.
  • The Class you put here will end up as the object of this RDF statement when the template is used for cataloging: <> <your_class> where <> is the URI Sinopia will mint for the "thing" that is cataloged.

Template Label

  • Enter a label that describes the template.
  • The Template Label will be displayed on the Resource Templates tab in the Label/ID column, and will be searchable there.
  • Template Label is required.
  • Templates are listed in order alphabetically by Label on the Resource Templates tab, and in other locations in Sinopia. To make it easier for catalogers to find PCC-endorsed templates, those template Labels start with an underscore (_) so they will sort first.
  • There are no requirements for how to construct the label, but the Sinopia Profiles Working Group's Best Practices for Profiles document, while written for an earlier version of Sinopia, has guidelines for the best way to formulate a Label.


  • Enter the name of the person or organization who created the template.
  • Author is not required.
  • The Author will be displayed on the Resource Templates tab in the Author column, and will be searchable there.


  • Enter a free text description of the template and its intended use.
  • Remark is not required.
  • The Remark will be displayed on the Resource Templates tab in the Guiding statement column, and will be searchable there.


  • Enter the date the template was created (or last modified--see [Editing an existing template]).
  • Date is not required.
  • Use format yyyy-mm-dd. Sinopia doesn't enforce this format, but it's the only format that will enable the date to be displayed on the Resource Templates tab in the Date column.

Next: Property Templates: Types of fields and options for each

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