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merian-nodes: ImageWrite: use graph time and add more trigger
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LDAP committed Nov 15, 2024
1 parent 7957936 commit f775d58
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Showing 2 changed files with 94 additions and 67 deletions.
36 changes: 22 additions & 14 deletions include/merian-nodes/nodes/image_write/image_write.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,16 +41,19 @@ class ImageWrite : public Node {
// Set a callback that can be called on capture or record.
void set_callback(const std::function<void()>& callback);

void record();
void record(const std::chrono::nanoseconds& current_graph_time);

template <typename T>
get_format_args(const T& consumer, const vk::Extent3D& extent, const uint64_t run_iteration) {
void get_format_args(const T& consumer,
const vk::Extent3D& extent,
const uint64_t run_iteration,
const std::chrono::nanoseconds& time_since_record) {
consumer(fmt::arg("record_iteration", iteration));
consumer(fmt::arg("image_index", this->image_index++));
consumer(fmt::arg("image_index_total", num_captures_since_init));
consumer(fmt::arg("image_index_record", num_captures_since_record));
consumer(fmt::arg("run_iteration", run_iteration));
consumer(fmt::arg("time", time_since_record.millis()));
consumer(fmt::arg("time", to_milliseconds(time_since_record)));
consumer(fmt::arg("width", extent.width));
consumer(fmt::arg("height", extent.height));
consumer(fmt::arg("random", rand()));
Expand All @@ -73,19 +76,23 @@ class ImageWrite : public Node {

float scale = 1;
int64_t iteration = 0;
uint32_t image_index = 0;
Stopwatch time_since_record;
uint32_t num_captures_since_init = 0;
std::chrono::nanoseconds record_time_point;

double last_record_time_millis;
double last_frame_time_millis;
double estimated_frametime_millis = 0;
bool undersampling = false;

bool start_stop_record = false;
int format = 0;

bool record_enable = false;
int enable_run = -1;
int trigger = 0;
int record_iteration = 0;
int record_iteration = 1;
int record_iteration_at_start = 1;
int num_captures_since_record = 0;
bool reset_record_iteration_at_stop = true;

float record_framerate = 30;
float record_frametime_millis = 1000.f / 30.f;
Expand All @@ -97,13 +104,14 @@ class ImageWrite : public Node {
bool callback_on_record = false;

int it_power = 1;
int it_offset = 0;
int it_offset = 1;

int stop_run = -1;
int stop_iteration = -1;
int stop_at_run = -1;
int stop_after_iteration = -1;
float stop_after_seconds = -1;
int exit_run = -1;
int exit_iteration = -1;
int stop_after_num_captures_since_record = -1;
int exit_at_run = -1;
int exit_at_iteration = -1;
float exit_after_seconds = -1;

bool needs_rebuild = false;
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125 changes: 72 additions & 53 deletions src/merian-nodes/nodes/image_write/image_write.cpp
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Expand Up @@ -26,33 +26,64 @@ ImageWrite::ImageWrite(const ContextHandle& context,
ImageWrite::~ImageWrite() {}

std::vector<InputConnectorHandle> ImageWrite::describe_inputs() {
estimated_frametime_millis = 0;

return {con_src};

void ImageWrite::record() {
void ImageWrite::record(const std::chrono::nanoseconds& current_graph_time) {
record_enable = true;
needs_rebuild |= rebuild_on_record;
this->iteration = 1;
estimated_frametime_millis = 0;
iteration = 1;
last_record_time_millis = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
last_frame_time_millis = 0;
record_time_point = current_graph_time;
num_captures_since_record = 0;
record_iteration_at_start = record_iteration;

if (callback_on_record && callback)

ImageWrite::NodeStatusFlags ImageWrite::pre_process(GraphRun& run,
[[maybe_unused]] const NodeIO& io) {
if (!record_enable && ((int64_t)run.get_iteration() == enable_run)) {
if (!record_enable && (start_stop_record || (int64_t)run.get_iteration() == enable_run)) {
start_stop_record = false;

const std::chrono::nanoseconds time_since_record =
run.get_elapsed_duration() - record_time_point;

if (record_enable &&
(start_stop_record || stop_at_run == (int64_t)run.get_iteration() ||
(stop_after_iteration >= 0 && stop_after_iteration < iteration) ||
stop_after_num_captures_since_record == num_captures_since_record ||
(stop_after_seconds >= 0 && to_seconds(time_since_record) >= stop_after_seconds))) {
record_enable = false;
start_stop_record = false;
num_captures_since_record = 0;
iteration = 1;
if (reset_record_iteration_at_stop) {
record_iteration = record_iteration_at_start;

if (exit_at_run == (int64_t)run.get_iteration() || exit_at_iteration == iteration) {
if (exit_after_seconds >= 0 && to_seconds(time_since_record) >= exit_after_seconds) {

if (needs_rebuild) {
needs_rebuild = false;
return NodeStatusFlagBits::NEEDS_RECONNECT;

return {};

Expand All @@ -66,42 +97,26 @@ void ImageWrite::process(GraphRun& run,

//--------- STOP TRIGGER
if (stop_run == (int64_t)run.get_iteration() || stop_iteration == iteration) {
record_enable = false;
if (exit_run == (int64_t)run.get_iteration() || exit_iteration == iteration) {
if (stop_after_seconds >= 0 && time_since_record.seconds() >= stop_after_seconds) {
record_enable = false;
if (exit_after_seconds >= 0 && time_since_record.seconds() >= exit_after_seconds) {
const std::chrono::nanoseconds time_since_record =
run.get_elapsed_duration() - record_time_point;

//--------- RECORD TRIGGER
// RECORD TRIGGER 0: Iteration
record_next |= record_enable && (trigger == 0) && record_iteration == iteration;

// RECORD TRIGGER 1: Frametime
const double time_millis = time_since_record.millis();
const double time_millis = to_milliseconds(time_since_record);
const double optimal_timing = last_record_time_millis + record_frametime_millis;
if (record_enable && (trigger == 1) && last_frame_time_millis <= 0) {
record_next = true;
} else {
// estimate how long a frame takes and reduce stutter
const double frametime_millis = time_millis - last_frame_time_millis;

if (estimated_frametime_millis == 0)
estimated_frametime_millis = frametime_millis;
estimated_frametime_millis = estimated_frametime_millis * 0.9 + frametime_millis * 0.1;

// am I this time closer to the optimal point or next frame?
if (record_enable && (trigger == 1) &&
std::abs(time_millis - optimal_timing) <
std::abs(time_millis + estimated_frametime_millis - optimal_timing)) {
std::abs(time_millis + frametime_millis - optimal_timing)) {
record_next = true;
undersampling = (frametime_millis > record_frametime_millis);
if (undersampling)
Expand All @@ -115,8 +130,8 @@ void ImageWrite::process(GraphRun& run,
const ImageHandle src = io[con_src];
vk::Extent3D scaled = max(multiply(src->get_extent(), scale), {1, 1, 1});
fmt::dynamic_format_arg_store<fmt::format_context> arg_store;
get_format_args([&](const auto& arg) { arg_store.push_back(arg); }, scaled,
get_format_args([&](const auto& arg) { arg_store.push_back(arg); }, scaled, run.get_iteration(),
std::filesystem::path path;
try {
if (filename_format.empty()) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -288,6 +303,8 @@ void ImageWrite::process(GraphRun& run,
record_next = false;

record_iteration *= record_enable ? it_power : 1;
record_iteration += record_enable ? it_offset : 0;
Expand All @@ -296,16 +313,13 @@ void ImageWrite::process(GraphRun& run,
ImageWrite::NodeStatusFlags ImageWrite::properties([[maybe_unused]] Properties& config) {
config.config_options("format", format, {"PNG", "JPG", "HDR"}, Properties::OptionsStyle::COMBO);
config.config_bool("rebuild after capture", rebuild_after_capture,
"forces a graph rebuild after every capture");
std::ignore =
config.config_text("filename", filename_format, false,
"Provide a format string for the path. Supported variables are: "
"record_iteration, run_iteration, image_index, width, height");
std::ignore = config.config_text("filename", filename_format, false,
"Provide a format string for the path.");
std::vector<std::string> variables;
get_format_args([&](const auto& arg) { variables.push_back(; }, {1920, 1080, 1}, 1);
get_format_args([&](const auto& arg) { variables.push_back(; }, {1920, 1080, 1}, 1,
fmt::dynamic_format_arg_store<fmt::format_context> arg_store;
get_format_args([&](const auto& arg) { arg_store.push_back(arg); }, {1920, 1080, 1}, 1);
get_format_args([&](const auto& arg) { arg_store.push_back(arg); }, {1920, 1080, 1}, 1, 1000ns);

std::filesystem::path abs_path;
try {
Expand All @@ -322,15 +336,11 @@ ImageWrite::NodeStatusFlags ImageWrite::properties([[maybe_unused]] Properties&
record_next = config.config_bool("record_next");

"current iteration: {}\ncurrent time: {}\nundersampling: {}\nestimated frametime: {:.2f}",
record_enable ? fmt::to_string(iteration) : "stopped",
record_enable ? fmt::format("{:.2f}", time_since_record.seconds()) : "stopped",
undersampling, estimated_frametime_millis));
const bool old_record_enable = record_enable;
config.config_bool("enable", record_enable);
if (record_enable && old_record_enable != record_enable)
config.output_text(fmt::format("current iteration: {}\nundersampling: {}",
record_enable ? fmt::to_string(iteration) : "stopped",
bool prop_record_enable = record_enable;
start_stop_record = config.config_bool("enable", prop_record_enable);

config.config_options("trigger", trigger, {"iteration", "frametime"},
Expand All @@ -346,6 +356,9 @@ ImageWrite::NodeStatusFlags ImageWrite::properties([[maybe_unused]] Properties&
config.config_int("iteration offset", it_offset,
"Adds this value to the iteration specifier after every capture. (After "
"applying the power).");
"reset iteration at stop", reset_record_iteration_at_stop,
"resets the record iteration to the value it had when recording started.");
config.output_text("note: Iterations are 1-indexed");
if (trigger == 1) {
Expand All @@ -366,25 +379,31 @@ ImageWrite::NodeStatusFlags ImageWrite::properties([[maybe_unused]] Properties&
"The specified run starts recording and resets the iteration and calls the "
"configured callback and forces a rebuild if enabled.");

config.config_bool("rebuild after capture", rebuild_after_capture,
"forces a graph rebuild after every capture");
config.config_bool("rebuild on record", rebuild_on_record,
"Rebuilds when recording starts");
config.config_bool("callback after capture", callback_after_capture,
"calls the on_record callback after every capture");
config.config_bool("callback on record", callback_on_record,
"calls the callback when the recording starts");
config.config_int("stop at run", stop_run,
"Stops recording at the specified run. -1 to disable.");
config.config_int("stop at iteration", stop_iteration,
"Stops recording at the specified iteration. -1 to disable.");
config.config_int("stop at run", stop_at_run,
"Stops recording at the specified run (before capture). -1 to disable.");
"stop after iteration", stop_after_iteration,
"Stops recording after the specified iteration (after capture). -1 to disable.");
config.config_int("stop after number captures", stop_after_num_captures_since_record,
"stops recording after the specified number of images have been captured "
"since recording started.");
"stop after seconds", stop_after_seconds,
"Stops recording after the specified seconds have passed. -1 to dissable.");
"exit at run", exit_run,
"exit at run", exit_at_run,
"Raises SIGTERM at the specified run. -1 to disable. Add a signal handler to "
"shut down properly and not corrupt the images.");
config.config_int("exit at iteration", exit_iteration,
config.config_int("exit at iteration", exit_at_iteration,
"Raises SIGTERM at the specified iteration. -1 to disable. Add a signal "
"handler to shut down properly and not corrupt the images.");
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