Inspired by - rforcats is aimed at teaching cats R programming.
- Scott Chamberlain @sckott
- Carson Sievert @cpsievert
- Ben Marwick @benmarwick
- Noam Ross @noamross
- Zach Stednick @stedy
- Jeffrey Hollister @jhollist
- mustafaascha @mustafaascha
- Peter Desmet @peterdesmet
- StrayChild @StrayChild01
- You?
- the orange fur ball at the bottom of the page: Leo (aka boom boom, muffin, goose, goosie, bumpkin, goosebump, kitten face, kitten butt, monkey, saba, and no no)
- Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.