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CS/CE/TE 6378 Advanced Operating System: Project II + Project III

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CS/CE/TE 6378: Project II + Project III

Instructor: Ravi Prakash

Mini Google File System

1 Requirements

  1. Source code is in Java programming language.
  2. The program must run on UTD lab machines (dc01, dc02, ..., dc45).

2 Client-Server Model

In this project you are to emulate a file system and a set of clients accessing the files. You may require the knowledge of thread and/or socket programming and its APIs of the language you choose. It can be assumed that processes (server/client) are running on different machine (dcXX).

3 Description

Design a distributed system with three file servers, two clients and a metadata server (M-server) to emulate a distributed file system. One example of such network topology is shown in Figure. 1. Your program should be easily extensible for any number of servers and clients. The file system you are required to emulate has one directory and a number of text files in that directory. A file in this file system can be of any size. However, a file is logically divided into chunks, with each chunk being at most 8192 bytes (8 kilobytes) in size. Chunks of files in your filesystem are actually stored as Linux files on the three servers. All the chunks of a given file need not be on the same server. In essence, a file in this filesystem is a concatenation of multiple Linux files. If the total size of a file in this file system is 8 x + y kilobytes, where y < 8 , then the file is made up of x + 1 chunks, where the first x chunks are of size 8 kilobytes each, while the last chunk is of size y kilobytes.

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Figure 1: Network Topology

For example, a file namedfilexmay be of length 20 kilobytes, and be made up of three chunks: the first chunk of size 8 kilobytes stored in serverS 1 with local file nameABC, the second chunk of size 8 kilobytes stored in server S 3 with local file nameDEF, and the third chunk of size 4 kilobytes stored in serverS 2 with local file nameGHI.

In steady state, the M-server maintains the following metadata about files in your file system: file name, names of Linux files that correspond to the chunks of the file, which server hosts which chunk, when was a chunk to server mapping last updated.

Initially, the M-server does not have the chunk name to server mapping, nor does it have the corresponding time of last mapping update. Every 5 seconds, the servers send heartbeat messages to the M-server with the list of Linux files they store. The M-server uses these heartbeat messages to populate/update the metadata. If the M-server does not receive a heartbeat message from a server for 15 seconds, the M-server assumes that the server is down and none of its chunks is available.

Clients wishing to create a file, read or append to a file in your file system send their request (with the name of the file) to the M-server. If a new file is to be created, the M-server randomly asks one of the servers to create the first chunk of the file, and adds an entry for that file in its directory. For read and append operations, based on the file name and the offset, the M-server determines the chunk, and the offset within that chunk where the operation has to be performed, and sends the information to the client. Then, the client directly contacts the corresponding server and performs the operations.

In effect, clients and servers communicate with each other to exchange data, while the clients and servers commu- nicate with the M-server to exchange metadata. You can assume that the maximize amount of data that can be appended at a time is 2048 bytes. If the current size of the last chunk of the file, where the append operation is to be performed, isSsuch that 8192 − S < appended data size then the rest of that chunk is padded with a null character, a new chunk is created and the append operation is performed there.

Extented Functionalities: File system with replicated chunks
  1. Instead of three file servers, now you have five file servers namedS 1 , S 2 ,... , S 5.

  2. For each chunk, three replicas are maintained at serversSi, SjandSk, where 1 ≤i, j, k≤ 5 andi 6 =j 6 =k.

  3. When a new chunk is to be created, the M-server selects three chunk servers at random and asks each one of them to create a copy of the chunk.

  4. For each chunk, the M-server maintains information about the chunk servers that host replicas of the chunk.

  5. Any append to a chunk is performed to all live replicas of the chunk. Use two-phase commit protocol, with the appending client as the coordinator and the relevant chunk servers as cohorts, to perform writes. Assume there is no server failure during an append operation.

  6. If multiple appends to the same chunk are submitted concurrently by different clients, the M-server determines the order in which the appends are performed on all the chunks. Once a client completes an append to a chunk it informs the M-server. Only then does the M-server permit another client to perform an append to the same chunk.

  7. A read from a chunk can be performed on any one of the current replicas of the chunk.

  8. A recovering chunk server may have missed appends to its chunks while it was down. In such situations, the recovering chunk server, with the help of the M-server, determines which of its chunks are out of date, and synchronizes those chunks with their latest version by copying the missing appends from one of the current replicas.

  9. Only after all chunks of a recovering chunk server are up-to-date does that chunk server resume participating in append and read operations.

4 Operations

  1. Your code should be able to support creation of new files, reading of existing files, and appends to the end of existing files.
  2. If a server goes down, your M-server code should be able to detect its failure on missing three heartbeat messages and mark the corresponding chunks as unavailable. While those chunks are available, any attempt to read or append to them should return an error message.
  3. When a failed server recovers, it should resume sending its heartbeat messages, and the M-server which should repopulate its metadata to indicate the availability fo the recovered server’s chunks.

5 How to run it

  1. one file like config.txt to tells the ip and port for each node and each node's type
  2. one file like fileinfo.txt to tells metaserver which chunk corresponds to which server ( on which server)
  3. use java -jar gclient.jar clientid(you should jot it down in config.txt) to start a client
  4. use java -jar gserver.jar serverid(you should jot it down in config.txt) to start a server
  5. use java -jar gmserver.jar (you should jot it down in config.txt) to start a metaserver

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Figure 2(here for config2.txt): Easiest Way to Set Up the Project. Put all these files in same folder.
You should set up file directories like the one i provide here. files+serverid eg: files1, files2... 
files1 corresponds to file folder on file server 1, files2 corresponds to file folder on file server 2.. so on so forth
This means each file server should have a file folder like that.

One more thing to keep in mind is that while the client is making request, 
you should not break down file server to test fault recovery, 
because here the two phase commit protocol assumes that there is no process failure while client is making request. 

So when you see the program prints out all “30/20sleft to make next request” , 
its safe to break down file server (when it’s longer than 15s to make next request, 
since metaserver will learns that this file server is down).

Feel free to contact me to get more details about how to run the project. My Email:[email protected]


CS/CE/TE 6378 Advanced Operating System: Project II + Project III







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