A tool to visualize eeg waves captured by a Muse headband on a network of DMX lights
- museSDK (which includes museIO)
- pyliblo
- our fork of OLA
⚠️ (Only for the brave of heart) - DMX Drivers
- python 2.7
- run
olad -l 3
- Then find your device using ola_dev_info, you now need to connect the device's port to your universe
- Then
ola_patch -d {device number} -p {device port} -u {universe} e.g ola_patch -d 1 -p 0 -u 1c
See demo.py for more info
- Connect the muse to your laptops bluetooth
- run
run olad -l 3
- run
muse-io --osc osc.udp://localhost:5000
(in a separate window) to serve the muse data on port 5000 (if you wish to server the same data across multiple ports just add those as well:muse-io --osc osc.udp://localhost:5000;osc.udp://localhost:5001
) - run the museServer (in a separate window)
python src/museServer.py
Developed on OSX 10.13.3 High Sierra
We used this example to get started with pyliblo
- Muse api
- pyliblo (for OSC messages)
- ENTEC Driver