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Soundness Proofs for Rules
To show that a proof rule is sound, we assume that all the premisses are valid (true in every state), and then show that the conclusion is valid (true in every state). This is subtly different from showing that an axiom is sound. Consider the rule G
---- G
Theorem (G
is sound):
Assume P
is valid for some formula P
, i.e. for all states omega
, omega |= P
Want to show that [a]P
is valid, or equivalently, for all states nu
, mu
if (nu,mu) in [[a]]
then mu |= P
But by assumption omega |= P
for all omega
so we can just pick omega = mu
, regardless of the fact (nu,mu) in [[a]]
, which completes the proof.
For this rule it is essential that P
was true in every state, because we need to know it was true in some state mu
that was different from the start state omega
. Compare this with the similar-looking axiom, called V
p ->[a]p
In this case we are saying that if p
is true specifically in the start state for a
then it is true in the end state as well. This axiom is only sound if a
does not modify any of the variables that appear in p
. In contrast, the rule G
is sound all the time.
For a more involved example of the structure for rule soundness proofs, consider the rule for loop induction (where G
is a context of assumptions and D
is a context of conclusions):
G |- J, D J |- [a]J J |- P
G |- [a*]P, D
Proof of soundness: Assume:
- For all states
,omega |= (G |- J, D)
, (whereomega |= (G |- D)
is notation for "ifomega |= F
for all formulasF
, thenomega |= F
for at least oneF
"). - For all states
,omega |= (J |- [a]J)
- For all states
,omega |= (J |- P)
Now show omega |= (G |- [a*]P, D)
for all omega
So fix some arbitrary omega
- assume
\omega |= && G
(the conjunction of all formulas inG
Then by (1) either (a) omega |= J
or (b) omega |= || D
(the disjunction of formulas in D
Case (b):
(omega |= (|| D))
then we're done because we have shownomega |= (G |- D)
and thusomega |= (G |- [a*]P,D)
. -
Case (a): We now know (5)
holds initially (omega |= J
) and want to show[a*]P
, i.e. for allnu
if(omega,nu) in [[a*]]
thennu |= P
. Then pick arbitrarynu in [[a*]]
. Recall[[a*]] = Union_{i in N} [[a^i]]
, so induct oni
.- Case i = 0: then
[[a^0]] = {(mu,mu) | mu in S}
so suffices to showomega |= J
which is true by (5). - Case i = k + 1:
- IH: For all
(nu,mu) in [[a^k]]
ifnu |= J
thenmu |= J
- Show for all
if(nu,mu) in [[a^i]]
ifnu |= J
thenmu |= J
- Proof: Since
(nu,mu) in [[a^i]]
then(nu,mu) in [[a^k+1]]
so by definition, existsmu'
where(nu, mu') in [[a]]
and(mu', mu) in [[a^k]]
. Sincenu |= J
then by (2)mu' |= J
and by IHmu |= J
, which completes the case and also the proof.
- IH: For all
- Case i = 0: then