Authors: Yue Zhao, Dylan Agyemang, Yang Liu, Matt Mahoney, Sheng Li
Contact: [email protected]
Overfitting affects model interpretation when predictions are made out of random noise. To address this issue, we introduce a novel metric – Training Attention and Validation Attention Consistency (TAVAC) – for evaluating ViT model degree of overfitting on imaging datasets and quantify the reproducibility of interpretation.

While in TAVAC directory:
$ python experiments/ --patient_id 0
$ python experiments/ --patient_id 1
Then we can run all cells in experiments/Vit2Stage_attention_consistency-st-net_tumor_classification.ipynb
Please run all cells for tst_patient = 'Stage1' and tst_patient = 'Stage2' in cell [3] respectively
In the end, run all cells in experiments/MetricsCalculation-stnet-tumorPred.ipynb.