QGIS plugin for reading STAC APIs
Site https://stac-utils.github.io/qgis-stac-plugin
The QGIS STAC API Browser currently lacks funding for maintenance, bug fixes and new features; therefore development will be slow for now. However we’re dedicated to maintaining the project. For assistance or if you have funding to contribute please reach out to Kartoza ([email protected])
Customization : Landscap Geoinfomatics Lab (University of Tartu)
- Download the release 1.1.2b from here
- Open the QGIS plugin manager, then select the Install from ZIP
- Click on "..." and select the zip file download in step 1
- Click install plugin
- Obtain gcp access json
- In QGIS, Settings -> options
- Click System on the left panel
- From the right panel, look for Environment Section
- Add a new variables with :
- Apply : Overwrite
- Value : The path to the Google credential JSON file (ex. C:\Users\John\glomodat-stac-testing-svc.json)
- Click ok
- Open the STAC browser plugin from the plugin drop down
- Click New
- Type in the following information:
- Name : whatever you want
- URL : https://maps.landscape-geoinformatics.org/stac
Click Test Connection
If the connection is ok , you will find a notification msg "Connection is a valid STAC API" as follow.
{ width=50% }
Cick OK
From the main browser UI, select the newly added connection from the drop down.
Click Fetch Collections, you will find those collections avaliable under the Collections Section
you can filter out collections you want by :
- typing in collection name in the Filter collections text box
- specify the Extent by clicking the Extent selction
Select collections that you want to browse, then click search
Assets under those collections that selected in the pervious step will be showns in result tab
Click on view assets, from here, to load the geotiff into QGIS, click Select to add as layer under the gsdata asset
The selected geotiff is now loaded into QGIS