Node: 19.5.0 (Currently using 64-bit executable)
Although node 12 was used thorough the course, create-react-app needed node 14 or higher, so the newest version of node was the choice
Express was used as a additional framework. Nodemon was used to ease the development process.
Database: MongoDB
Authentication: jwt
Token is saved as a cookie in client, which in retroperspect was unnecessary
Responsive design: Material UI
Flex is used. Use of grid was as well an option. Header buttons fold into HamburgerMenu in mobile/smaller screen.
Documentation: Written in README (this).
MongoDB is running in mongodb://
Server needs a .env that includes the SECRET
Running npm install in project root should install the dependent packages in client and server
Running npm run dev in project root should run the server and client
Server is running in port 1234 and client in port 3000
The Home page can be accessed through url: localhost:3000.
On the top of the page there is a header. On the right side there is the language selection (FI/EN). EN is default.
On the left side there is Home, Login and Register buttons. Login and Register fold into HamburgerMenu in smaller screen.
On the Home page there are the posts and they are clickable. After clicking a post, page is reloaded to show the comments related to the post.
After pressing submit button anywhere in the page, a infotext should be shown.
To see the comment or post added one needs to refresh the page.
MongoDB structure can be seen in models.
Login and Register pages are quite self explanatory. When registering username needs to be atleast 3 characters long and password 5.
Basic Features: 25
Utilization of a frontside framework, React: 5
Translation of the whole UI in two or more languages: 2
Header and clean UI: 6
Points: 38