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Write LaxarJS widgets and controls with AngularJS


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Write LaxarJS widgets and controls with AngularJS

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Starting with LaxarJS 2, AngularJS support is no longer included out-of-the-box. However, this widget-adapter for LaxarJS 2 allows to use widgets written in AngularJS 1.x within LaxarJS 2 applications.

To use the adapter, install it from NPM:

npm install --save laxar-angular-adapter

Then pass it to laxar.bootstrap:

import * as angularAdapter from 'laxar-angular-adapter';
import { create } from 'laxar';
create( [ angularAdapter ] /*, artifacts: ..., configuration: ... */ ).flow().bootstrap();

To make LaxarJS use this adapter for your widget, set the in the widget.json descriptor to "angular":

   "name": "my-angular-v1-widget",
   "integration": {
      "type": "widget",
      "technology": "angular"

Note that AngularJS 1.x is not well suited to multiple LaxarJS application instances sharing a page. If you need this feature, be sure to pass the AngularJS dependencies of all instances as modules to the first bootstrap invocation.

Widgets and Controls with AngularJS

Because the integration technology "angular" was built into LaxarJS v1, the main LaxarJS manuals contain several examples on creating widgets and controls for AngularJS.

Widget Integration

To recapitulate the basics for widgets:

  • each widget implementation module must create an AngularJS module named after the widget, except that camelCase should be used for the module, to adhere to the AngularJS naming guidelines,
  • the module name must be exported using the export name,
  • the widget controller function must be registered using .controller on the widget's AngularJS module, and its name must correspond to the module name: for a module named myWidget, the controller must be named MyWidgetController.

When using the LaxarJS generator for Yeoman, a suitable implementation module will be prepared for you automatically.

Control Integration

A control implementation for the technology "angular" module should return an AngularJS module defining one or more AngularJS directives. Dependent widgets (or controls) simply need to declare their dependency using the controls array of their descriptor. The directives and CSS styles will then be made available automatically.

Additional Injections for AngularJS

The laxar-angular-adapter provides additional services for use with the AngularJS dependency injection. First and foremost, the regular LaxarJS widget services (axEventBus, axFeatures, and so on) are made available as AngularJS injections to widget controllers.

In addition, the adapter provides or modifies some additional injections, for better interoperability with AngularJS.


An additional axWidgetServices injection is provided, which can be used by directives to gain access to services that belong to the context of a specific widget, such as axFeatures, axI18n or the decorated widget instance log (axLog). For axWidgetServices a function is injected that must be called with the scope of a directive. This function returns the map of services available to the parent-widget of the directive. To determine the parent-widget, the AngularJS scope-chain is traversed from child to parent, until a widget-scope is found. An error is thrown if this service is used on a scope that is no descendant of a widget scope.

In this example, a directive uses axWidgetServices to access the logger of its parent-widget.

myModule.directive( 'myDirective', [ 'axWidgetServices', axWidgetServices => {
   return {
      link( scope ) {
         const widgetServices = axWidgetServices( scope ); 'Here we are!' );
} ] );

Note that directives will not work outside of LaxarJS applications if they rely on this injection. It is often a good idea to package such directives as LaxarJS controls to indicate this fact.


For "angular" widget controllers, the $scope connecting template and controller can be injected as well, as expected for AngularJS controllers. Because it is an alias of the axContext injection, the $scope of a LaxarJS widget has additional properties compared to a regular AngularJS scope, for example features and log.

All widget scopes are children of the same parent scope, regardless of possible nesting relationships in the page DOM due to LaxarJS widget areas. This ensures isolation between widgets.

Global LaxarJS Service Injections

Widgets service injections are created by the LaxarJS runtime as their widget controllers request them (see, and are not available as injections to regular AngularJS services or factories.

The AngularJS adapter provides additional globally available service injections that can be used in any AngularJS injection context:

Additional Filters Provided by LaxarJS

This adapter provides the filter axLocalize, previously part of LaxarJS UiKit.

Use it together with the axI18n widget injection to localize values in widgets:

Controller.injections = [ '$scope', 'axI18n' ];
function Controller( $scope, i18n ) {
   $scope.i18n = i18n;
   $scope.i18nGreeting = { en: 'Hello', fr: 'Bonjour' };

Now you can do this in your widget template:

<h1>{{ i18nGreeting | axLocalize:i18n }}</h1>

This causes the headline to stay up-to-date as locales change.

Additional Directives Provided by LaxarJS

To simplify certain common use cases for widget HTML templates, the adapter also provides a couple of directives.


Use this to generate unique HTML IDs for anchors and input controls.

<h3 ax-id="'section-b-anchor'">Section B</h3>

These IDs are unique, even if a widget is used multiple times on a single page.


Use in conjunction with axId, this associates a form label to its control:

<label ax-for="'userName'">User Name:</label>
<input type="text" ax-id="'userName'" ng-model="model.userName">

Sometimes, you can simply nest an input within a label, eliminating the need to use axFor/axId. Note that both directives use one-time bindings for performance: using constant expressions is recommended. Within ngRepeat contexts, the track by expression is a good candidate.


Use this to offer a nested widget area for your widget. Page authors can then fill the provided area with their own widgets.

Use the ax-widget-area-binding attribute to name a widget area within your widget. While you do not want to change the name of a widget are after it was created, you can use this to make an area name configurable from the page.

Let us assume the following template, my-widget.html:

<div ax-widget-area ax-widget-area-binding="::features.content.area"></div>

In your page definition, you would then use:

"content": [
      "widget": "my-widget",
      "id": "my",
      "features": {
         "content": {
            "area": "nested"
"my.nested": [
   // ...

This becomes powerful when you combine an array-valued feature configuration with ngRepeat. This way, you can flexibly configure and name any number of widget areas.

Testing With LaxarJS Mocks

You can use the integration technology "angular" together with laxar-mocks without additional configuration, as long as you are using the laxar-mocks/spec-loader to load spec-files when running tests.

Here are some AngularJS-specific hints for testing:

  • If your are using $http, use axMocks.widget.whenServicesAvailable to inject and configure $httpBackend. Trying to inject AngularJS services into your test too early can lead to problems when LaxarJS injections are prepared,
  • when eventBus.flush() is run to trigger event bus delivery, a $rootScope.$digest is automatically initiated afterwards.

Hacking the Adapter

First, clone the repository and fetch the dependencies:

git clone
cd laxar-angular-adapter
npm install

To rebuild the pre-compiled bundle, use:

npm run dist

Otherwise, you may need to adjust your project to load the adapter with ES2015 support. To pick up clone from within a LaxarJS application, you may need to modify the project's webpack resolve configuration.

To test the adapter, run:

npm test

For interactive tests that can be inspected in the browser, run:

npm start

Now you can access the spec-tests at http://localhost:8080/dist/spec/laxar-angular-adapter.spec.html


Write LaxarJS widgets and controls with AngularJS








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