Hi, I'm using this repo to make a package to miscellaneous functions (Based in the things I learn in the course of Go that I'm Watching) So if you have some suggestion, please make a Issue request, I'm thankful to those that want to help.
This is a simple function that opens 3 possibilities to handle the error given:
First is panic the program (giving true to the errors.PanOrPrint, and nil to errors.Receive)
Second is to print in the stdout without panic (giving false to the errors.PanOrPrint, and nil to errors.Receive)
Third is to receive the error mensage in a string variable, giving the address in errors.Receive
func main(){
var variableForError string
err := fmt.Errorf("Error Reached") //Here we are simulating a error
misc.NewErrors(false, &variableForError, err).AlertError() //Here we are calling the package with the function creating and giving the method
fmt.Println(variableForError) //Printing in stdout like a string
The function seems with the same effect compared with a err != nil if statement, but I enjoyed to make this package I hope that I gonna learn much more and produce more effiecient programs and packages (It's gonna be 3 days that I'm learning the Go Language)
My special thanks is for the course I'm taking in youtube (I'm gonna leave here the link to the playlist, It's very awesome) And have the repo from the course too that I'm leaving here My thanks to my friend and my cousin that inspire me to embark in this journey to the programming world
Links: Course Repo